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Happy Eid ul-Fitr / Selamat Idul Fitri

Happy Eid al-Fitr to all Muslim brothers and sisters in Indonesia and around the world. I beg you please to forgive me from your inner and outer soul if I have made any mistake to you. At this occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, let our heart be opened each other for FORGIVENESS. Greetings to you all, may God bless all of us.


In Indonesian : Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri kepada semua saudara / saudari umat Muslim di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia. Saya memohon maaf lahir dan bathin jika saya telah berbuat salah pada Anda. Pada kesempatan Idul Fitri ini, marilah masing-masing dari kita membuka hati untuk saling MEMAAFKAN. Salam untuk Anda, semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua.



  1. Anonymous1/10/08

    happy ied fitr!

  2. do you celebrate, Hari Raya.

    anyway, wishing you and your entire family, selamat hari raya adilfitri , that's how we say it here

  3. Anonymous2/10/08

    Happy Eid ul-Fitr to you too buddy..forgive and apologize from me if i had a mistake from my word, attitude, all of it.

    many thanks for dropping in my blog..hope to see you more often there..see you soon!!

    regards :)

  4. Dear Cerita Senja,
    Thank you and welcome.

    Dear Eugene,
    No, I don't. I just want to says Happy Eid ul-Fitr to anyone who celebrate it. Here we says "Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri or Selamat lebaran". Greetings to your family.

    Dear Blogger Addicter,
    Thank you and welcome.

  5. Anonymous2/10/08

    Same to you too.

  6. Anonymous6/10/08

    Perkenankan Dhie menyampaikan Selamat hari raya Idulfitri 1429H, Mohon maaf atas segala salah dan khilaf, semoga amal ibadah kita diterima Allah SWT.
    Minal aidin walfaizin, mohon maaf lahir bathin.

  7. Dear Rummuser,
    Thank you for your comment

    Dear Omurcek,
    Thank you for your comment

    Dear Dhie,
    Terimakasih. Selamat Idul Fitri juga buat Anda.
    Thank you. Happy Eid ul-Fitr to you too.

  8. Anonymous7/10/08

    Happy holiday, Love-ely

  9. Hi, thank you for dropping by on my blog. i like your blog. do you mind if i add your blog to my list? keep blogging :)

  10. thank you for dropping by my blogsite. i hope it is fine with you if i add you to my list. Have a nice day.

  11. thank you for the visit. i add your blog to my list. i can remove it if you don't want me to. :)

  12. Dear Robin,
    I'm not being holiday but I was very busy for last week. A lot of jobs that must be completed by me. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Dear Grace,
    It's my honor when knowing that you like my blog. Thank you so much for adding my blog in your list. I appreciate it and add you too.

    Dear Ruby,
    Thank you so much for adding my blog and I very appreciate it. I add you too in my list.

  13. Anonymous8/10/08

    mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)

  14. Minal aidin walfaidin juga..mohon maaf lahir dan bathin..

  15. met idul fitri juga yah...
    minal aidin wal faidzin...

  16. Dear Akangjuned,
    Thank you.

    Dear Yusa Indera,
    Thank you.

    Dear Jovie,
    Thank you.

  17. maaf lahir batin ya

  18. Hi, I am Ben
    Thanks for your message my blogger.The Street light pole and lamps are made in China.

  19. Anonymous16/10/08

    met ied fitr jg ..

  20. Dear Anang,
    Happy Eid ul-Fitr to you too.

    Dear Ben (Zhejiang Shuguang Lamps Co,Ltd)
    Thanks for commenting here. Great products on your site.

    Dear Atrix,
    Happy Eid ul-Fitr to you too.


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