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The Essence Of Blogging

Previously... when I am browsing on the internet, I often faced with the passive site, which it only gave one-way communication. Read and finish, afterwards gone to other site (also read and finish). The only things that could be done was, click "Contact Us" and sent a message to the author.

Then... emerge the messenger's technology, like mIRC, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Messenger, etc. (referred to "chatting"). Indeed this was the two-way communication, but still not enough to keep tons of our thought and idea permanently.

Now... by using the service from Blogspot, Wordpress, TypePad, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, etc. it create a cyberspace with more live and enjoy. Anyone could share their thoughts, idea, story, and interact with each other in manner of two-ways. Moreover there are those who wrote "Welcome to my home" in a blog. I feel like visiting my neighbor although they were very far from me. I thought cyberspace has been get up from the the silence night with the existence of blogosphere and netizen. In this opportunity, I want to share several blog / site which I often visit it, perhaps you also like to visit them, that is:

  1. Wikipedia, here you can search a lot of good information. May be become your inspiration to write an article.
  2. Greenpeace International, for you who cares about environment.
  3. Asia Pacific Solidarity Network, here you can get information around the Asia-Pacific.
  4. Good News From Indonesia, various news about Indonesia that is collectively written by Indonesian writers.
  5. Ramana's Musings, find good musing in this blog. The author have very well thoughts from his experience and you can discuss various matters with him.
  6. Personal Reflections, the owner of this blog have wide experience and his articles was very interesting to be read.

Do not see the origin of the blog above, but see the contents inside. I believe, there are a lot of great blog, in fact the best, but at this moment only that from my limited knowledge. Let me know of another good blog by sharing it in comment. Happy blogging to everyone!


  1. Thank you for the reference, Tikno.

  2. thanks for the reference, thanks for visiting my blog. !

  3. thanks for visiting my blog, be welcome to come again brur

  4. happy blogging too sir,
    you can also open,,, it's my familiar situs that I have always opened.
    for wikipedia, my lecturer ever said that the data is sometimes not valid. but, I dont know the truth.
    My I like to add you in my link sir?
    thank you very much

  5. Dear Jim Belshaw,
    You welcome.

    Dear Akhyari,
    You welcome.

    Dear Pursuit of Happines,
    You welcome.

    Dear Niar,
    Thank you for let me know and share to others. For Wikipedia... yes, some of its articles should be re-check. I just read it to increase my knowledge. Thanks again for the link.

  6. thank you for sharing such a nice information .
    The internet has really made our life easier.

  7. Anonymous21/10/08

    Tikno, you are a treat and an unpredictable one at that. Thanks a whole lot for the mention about my blog. I am flattered and hope to remain upto your expectations.

  8. Anonymous21/10/08

    Dear Tikno,

    I am honored that you included my blog in your list.

    I've had computer problems for the last several weeks so it has delayed my posting and commenting, but I enjoy reading your very warm and enjoyable blog as well.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Again, Thank you,

  9. wow! now every blogger should know this.

  10. Hello Love-ely! Thanks for the references! I am also an avid reader of rummuser..

    With blogging I can explore the world without travelling...

    With blogging, i met a lot of friends even just by writing...

    With blogging, I can release the tensions and stress.. and with blogging, I learned so many things that I never know before entering the blogsphere!

  11. Yeah I am getting addicted to this blogging stuff too.. Its a good theraphy too when you want to express what and how you feel!

  12. Anonymous22/10/08

    I agree, blogging makes life very interesting!

  13. Anonymous22/10/08

    You always find what you need. A good rule of thumb is if you do not find it, then you do not really need it as much has you thought.

  14. Hi Tikno...
    This information very important for me..and I became more knowledge.
    I like this article and thank's for your visited to my place..
    Success for you Tikno...

  15. Anonymous22/10/08

    Hi Tikno - I love the way you describe how cyberspace has evolved, and has been lit up by the blogosphere. Yours is actually the third blog I have read today that has talked about the connectivity of blogging - there must be something going on!

  16. thanks for the references. :)

  17. Dear Bikran,
    Welcome to you Bikran. Greetings to your community in Nepal.

    Dear Rummuser,
    I like your thoughts, that's why I listed your blog in this post.

    Dear Brennan Kingsland,
    I'm glad knowing you enjoy reading here. Thank you for your comment.

    Dear The Dong,
    Welcome to you. Nice to meet you.

    Dear Chubskulit,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Yes... blogging also making a friendship.

    Dear Joops,
    Yes, blogging also a way for expressing our feelings. Greetings to your family.

    Dear Misty,
    Yes! Thank you for commenting here.

    Dear Liara Covert,
    Thank you for sharing your wise words. I keep it up in my mind and still muse it deeply. Are you want to explain it with more specific. I like to know it.

    Dear Yopan Prihadi,
    Welcome to you. Thanks too, I has read your great advice about blogging.

    Dear Robin,
    I love your blog too. Thank you for the time to reply my mail.

    Dear Grace,
    Welcome to you.

  18. Salam kenal mas.
    Tks atas referensinya. Sangat bermanfaat.
    Tks juga atas visiting ke blog saya.

  19. Dear Erik,
    Thank you and welcome.

  20. hallo Tikno, salam kenal juga! thanks referensinya! kalo blog saya biasa2 aja, seputar parenting.

  21. Dear Yendoel,
    Blog about parenting also a good blog, as long as you give informative contents to your reader.

  22. Anonymous9/12/08

    Thanks Mas Tikno. You are great promotor. You now how to arrange the product. Firstly you placed wikipedia, it makes visitor considers that the products under wikipedia have the same quality.

    Great...!! I learn more from here. Actually I often visit their blog too and bring home new knowledge. Thanks Mas Tikno.

  23. Dear Seno, thanks for your compliment.

  24. Anonymous13/11/09

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anonymous17/11/09

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Anonymous18/11/09

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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