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Christmas Contemplation When The Bell Ringing

Christmas contemplation when the bell ringing

A few days ago, I visited a mall to buy something. The atmosphere was very rousing with Christmas decorations and I believe also occurs around the world. Producers take advantage of Christmas moment to compete and increase sales with tempting offers, such as: discount 20%, 30%, 40%, buy one get one, etc. Parents are busy thinking of what gifts should be purchased, and children imagining of what the gift they will get. Many people calculate their money for the best holiday package. That's NOT wrong!

But... when the bell is ringing....
Before: Christmas is the birth of Savior!
Now: Santa, where is my gift?
Before: That is the beginning of the redemption of our sin.
Now: Let's be happy for welcoming Christmas and new year.
Before: Jesus has come in simplicity.
Now: Let's go holiday !

I'm just imagining the genuine spirit of why we celebrate Christmas has gone. And... in this opportunity, I want to tell you that the Christmas bell resounding the call to the soul to follow the star in the East and lead you to the Savior. Then... I wanna ask you, where is the genuine spirit of Christmas? Let back to the Bible!

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

Merry Christmas to all of you, and hopefully God is willing to forgive our sin.

Additional update on December 8, 2023:
I have a dream. A big question of WHY. Can you answer it? Please click on the link provided to find out WHY.

Additional update on December 25, 2023:
Someone asked me after reading this post: "What is the true spirit of celebrating Christmas?". Well, I think it feels like something is missing if I don't write my own views in this post.

The roots of Christmas started since the fall of human being when Adam and Eve tempted by the serpent. They disobeyed God. They ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Their disobedience led to fear, shame, sin, and separation from God.

But God made a promise that a special child would be born. This prophecy finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. His birth shows God's love and desire to be close to His creation. Christmas celebrates this profound truth. That's God's promises for redemption of our sin. That's the greatest Christmas gift from God.

So, be grateful because God has sent a savior to redeem human's sins. The best thing we can do, in return, is to forgive, stop the strife, stop the war. That's far beyond holiday, pleasure, Christmas-shopping, and commercialism. When you hear the Christmas bell, that's the time to ponder ourselves (including myself). Sorry, I'm not preaching to you because I'm not a pastor or religiuous leader, nor holier than you. Please correct me if anything is missing.


  1. Merry Christmas Tikno! God Bless and I hope your day is filled with JOY!

  2. Merry Christmas from our family to yours! :-)

  3. Hi Tikno,
    Amen to that. I was so inspired by your post, especially your call for man to go back to the basic tenets of the Bible. I love Romans 12:2. Thanks for sharing it with us. You made my day my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you all.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thanks for dropping by.

  5. merry christmas, tikno!!! :)

  6. even in China, where most of the people don't believe God's existence, almost all stores are decorated with Christmas theme. yesterday, when i went to a bakery shop, there were a long queue.
    Xmas is so widely used as a commercial tools now.
    Merry Christmas to you! keep the Xmas spirit.

  7. Anonymous26/12/08

    Selamat hari Natal dan tahun baru buat Mr. Tikno And Family...
    Semoga kesejahteraan selalu menyertai Anda sekeluarga..
    Salam persahabatan sejati...

  8. Anonymous26/12/08

    hi tikno & family, may your Christmas is as merriest as ever or just plain wonderful as we all always wanted:)

    may you have a great moment with your family. enjoy your holidays

  9. Anonymous26/12/08

    Hi Tikno, you are right, we should not forgot the genuine spirit of why we celebrate Christmas.

    Let's keep in mind the truth of Christmas Day- the Birth of Jesus Christ. For it's not the Christmas wrappings, Christmas shopping or Christmas dinner or party but our gift of love to others in every way...

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Happy holidays!

  10. Merry Christmas to you too!!! :-)

  11. Anonymous27/12/08

    merry cristmast and happy new years

  12. Hello tikno
    merry christmas too to u and your family as well.
    thanks for droppingby

  13. Anonymous27/12/08

    My opinion is the same with yours, Tikno. But now, it seem Christmas just not own for Christian only.

  14. Thank you so much to all of you. Merry Christmas from my family to you all. Let keep the genuine spirit of Christmas.

  15. Anonymous27/12/08

    Merry Christmas Tikno...It's true the spirit of Christmas has gone and the best way to restore it is to remember the purpose of God to give us Jesus Christ and that Jesus is the only way to life.

  16. Dear Bingkee, it's sad to know of what you says "the spirit of Christmas has gone"

  17. Amen to that Tikno! Christmas are so commercialized nowadays that the meaning of this celebration somehow offshoot from its real meaning!
    Anyway..have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year too.

  18. This is a very nice post, Tikno. Worth reading!
    Have a happy new year to you and to the family. :)

  19. Thanks to HoneyBUZZ and Grace, and to all visitors, Merry Christmas to you and family.

  20. hi, nice to know you. I have tutorial that can make your comment form placed bellow your post to make your visitor easier to leave a comment.see the tutorial at

  21. Tikno, what you wrote is why Christmas is not the best of holidays anymore. So many stores try to make money which is not wrong, they have families also, but the reason we celebrate is gone. In all religions we must love each other for the whole year not just one day. Bless you and your family.

  22. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas Tikno.

    Amen to your writing. Things have slowed down for me quite a bit now so i will try and visit more often..

    God bless you Tikno :)

  23. Anonymous29/12/08

    tikno, I like how you remind us of the pleasant sounds that echo from bells. That is uplifting and triggers thoughts of joy. This festive season is a period to reflect on reasons we each have to be grateful. We are surrounded by blessings and that begins with the miracle of our own human existence.

  24. Anonymous30/12/08

    What a fantastic post, Tikno--and a wonderful reminder to appreciate the simple messages that are the real root of the Holiday.

    I wanted to stop by and wish you peace and light in the New Year.

    Take care,


  25. Tikno: I agree with your feelings but as with all things secular you can always spread the word through all situations. Use the season to let others know how you feel as you have done here.

  26. Dear Wiryo Saputra, I will try and learn from your blog, thank you.
    Dear Ettarose, exactly as you say: "the reason we celebrate is gone." That is what I think.
    Dear Tamela, thank you.
    Dear Liara Covert, thank you. I like your article about the power of mind.
    Dear Melinda, thank you. I am impressed of your spirit to achieve the future.
    Dear Fishing Guy, thank you. Wishing you would like to help me to spread it.

  27. Anonymous30/12/08

    Happy new year to Mas Tikno, hope you always get the best things. GBU. Seno.

  28. Anonymous30/12/08

    Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  29. Dear Seno and Edratna, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.

  30. Dear Tikno,
    I also see that the understanding and perception about christmas is change in this new era. Hope evrybody who celebrate christmas still able to think the essential of christmas and bring a christmas as a great day to do a good things.
    anyway, I am sorry for cannot visit you recently. I have moved to the Jakarta right now.

  31. hai ..makasih atas saran dan kunjuganya ya...

  32. Moga2 mas tikno sekeluarga sehat ya? siap menghadapi tahun depan yang mudah2an tidak se suram yang orang prediksikan,..tetap sengat mas!

  33. Anonymous31/12/08

    The last thing about Christmas is about the gift (shopping). However, a lot of people get hang up on the shopping, and they forgot a true gift is not something you can just buy from a store.

    Thanks for the great post!
    Giovanna Garcia

  34. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  35. Merry Christmas to you Tikno!
    Happy New Year and all the best for 2009!

    We all should think about the real meaning of Christmas. When I was in Singapore, the priest said that today we have "Christmas Sale" a lot more than "Merry Christmas"... Even a simple thing like this has show us how the world has changed.
    Let us all find the true Christmas within our heart this year.

    Thank you for being Stories of Picture friend throughout 2008!
    I hope we will see each other again in 2009!

  36. Tikno,

    Blessings to you. Have a blessed New Year!

  37. Came to wish you a happy new year!

  38. Anonymous31/12/08

    My congratulations on your PR3.. happy new year!

  39. Anonymous31/12/08

    Wishing you a Prosperous New year!

  40. Anonymous31/12/08

    Happy New year Tikno, Kisses to love ely!

  41. It’s been wonderful knowing you. I enjoy reading your posts and about your life in another country.

    May you be more charming, richer, healthier and happiest this coming new year!!

    Happy year 2009!

    Greetings and cheers from sunny Singapore!

  42. Tikno - I Wish you good health, joy and prosperity for the New Year

  43. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    Christmas has become very commercialized, Unfortunately society is doing children such an injustice by not really telling them about the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

    I pray that God continues to bless you abundantly in the New Year!

  44. Thanks for dropping by! Happy New Year to you and family!

  45. Happy New Year. May the simplicity of God's love surround you always.

  46. Anonymous1/1/09

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

    I am genuinely touched by your entry about your brother.

  47. Anonymous1/1/09

    happy new year

    happy blogging

  48. I also wish you a very happy New Year !!

  49. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year, wish you all the best :D

  50. Thank you very much for all your comments. I'm very appreciate it.

    Happy New Year to You all. Let us facing the new hope and new challenge.

  51. Anonymous1/1/09

    I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. I just wanted to wish you and your family good health, peace, happiness and success for 2009 and beyond.

    2008 was very good to me and my family and I look forward to the
    new year with anticipation and a list of newly revised goals and

    I believe to get anywhere in life you need a clear path and
    direction - for me this takes the form of well structured goals
    set within a time line, a positive mindset and a willingness to
    learn and try new things until you achieve exactly what you want
    from life.

    With that in mind I wish you much success in the coming year. HAPPY NEW YEAR..

  52. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    God is always ready to forgive sin. One doesa not have to hope . Just believe.

  53. HI tinoko..happy new year to u!!!

  54. Anonymous2/1/09

    selamat tahun baru 2009 ya mas :)

  55. Anonymous2/1/09

    was here... happy new year 2009 for u and fam :)

  56. Yup.. everything was changed, even in religion behaviours.

  57. Happy New Year to you too, Tikno!

    Wishing you and your family all the Best in the coming year!

  58. MERRIEST CHRISTMAS & A HAPPIEST NEW YEAR TO YOU TIKNO! Everyone loves Christmas. It is so magical feelings and happy yeah. What pressies you got me?

  59. Anonymous3/1/09

    Hi Tikno,
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! I hope it is not too late.. :)

    May we all begin 2009 with good intention and mindfullness.


  60. paste seru acara krismas mu....

    pulkam nggak??

  61. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, Tikno.

    Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

  62. Anonymous3/1/09

    Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk bersilahtuhrahmi" Selamat Natal 2008 dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009"

    Moga semangat Hidup dalam perdamaian dengan semua orang selalu menyelimuti langkah-langkah kita dalam mengarungi kehidupan yang indah ini Pak Tikno.

    Ma-kasih atas kunjungan sebelumnya maaf kalau lambat merespon.

    Senang rasanya bisa berkenalan dengan Bapak. Tuhan Menyertai.

  63. Anonymous4/1/09

    selamat natal dan tahun baru 2009 juga :)

    semoga tambah sukses di tahun ini ;)

  64. Happy new year! This is a good thought for this season. hope people will come to realize the real reason of celebrating Christmas.

  65. Let's all work together to spread good will to others throughout the year.


  66. Anonymous4/1/09

    Menurut saya konflik Israel Palestina bukan suatu kutukan, ini adalah keserakahan manusia terutama orang2 dibalik agresi militer israel yang bertujuan untuk menguasai daerah yang sangat kaya akan minyak.

    Memang ada beberapa aspek lain sih, tapi menurut saya aspek keserakahan inilah yang paling dominan

  67. Belated Christmas wishes!Wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year :)

    God Bless!

  68. Hi Tikno, just to wish you happy new year ad best wishes for 2009. Lee.

  69. Thank you very much to you all, your greetings and prayers. I am very appreciate it.

  70. Anonymous14/1/09

    The sound of bells is delicate and heavenly or angelic. Bells remind me of sacred places and inner peace available to me every moment.

  71. Dear Liara Covert,
    Hope the sound of silence will touch you.

  72. Anonymous23/11/09

    Nice blog as for me. I'd like to read something more about that theme.
    By the way check the design I've made myself Young escort

  73. 123 - Thank you.

  74. Greetings tikno,
    This is, of course, a response one year later to your posting.
    As you know, I can very much relate to what you have posted. I would thus like to thank you for taking the time to comment on my, 'A Cynics' Christmas Party' posting, which was originally published in December, 2008. That was greatly appreciated.
    May you and your loved ones have a peaceful, positive Christmas, and most encouraging 2010.
    With peace and respect, Gary.

  75. Gary (Klahanie) - Thank you. Hopefully the genuine spirit of Christmas will grow

  76. you have a point. in relation to this, read this:

  77. Anonymous4/1/10

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Christ is forgotten in Christmas; it is now about a tree and the gifts beneath.

    Thank you for bringing us back to the true spirit.

  78. Dee, Thank you. I visited your post and left my comment there.

    M8malone, thank you for your comment. This is my post a year ago but until now I'm still wonder.

  79. I believe, Children love to have much joy during Christmas and Holiday...

    They can gathering with family and relatives with good atmosphere arousing.

    Mr. Tikno, I would not dare to blame Children for having such a happiness, but it is the wisdom of parenting to let the children not only happy of the holiday, but with the grace and passion that live within the Christmas' spirit.

    I though it would be to have such a kind of loving atmosphere - since I'm not a Christian.


  80. Haridivanandha, I feel you are a wise man.
    Within this post I'm just wrote a contrast between before and present and lets my reader to think of it. I'm not blame anyone, but releasing my musing in this blog. Hope you like it.

  81. This post 10 years ago is still relevant as a reminder about the true meaning of Christmas.

    1. Welcome back, Ross. I don't know how many people have read it from this "lonely post in cyberspace"

  82. attitude changes over time.....
    Happy Holiday.....

  83. Anonymous15/12/23

    I find it ironic that some folks get all hyped up about Christmas and yet do not believe in the afterlife.


    When pressed, they'll say "Christmas is a time for family" or something like that. And yes, we get those who like little children think about what they'll get... a new this, a new that.

    It's all such rubbish.

    We are celebrating Jesus' birthday, whenever it was (nobody really knows the precise date). Why don't we give him the present he really wants? Love and good deeds!

    I'm just so sick of all the rank materialism. I've really had enough.

  84. Oops, I forgot to sign in again. That last comment about "rank materialism" was from me. Since English is not your first language, I'll mention that "rank" in this context means "unpleasant" or "deficient." 🙂

    1. Thank you for the explanation of "rank materialism". I think not all reader's origin are native English.

  85. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you...

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too


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