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Blog Action Day 2008 - Spirit To Fight Poverty

Blog action day about poverty.

The problem of poverty has become global issue and often was used as main material in various debates and discussions. Thousands of programs have been created to oppose poverty, from the levels of individual, government and internationally. Will poverty end? Today, October 15, 2008, millions blogger around the world, including this blog, creates post about poverty and hope will rise an awareness towards that issue.

There are many definitions about poverty, but I gazed at poverty from three points of view :
1) Absolute Poverty. If someone unable to fill up the main needs for food, clothes, residence, health, education.
2) Relative Poverty. Someone that has been at position above from absolute poverty but below the capability of the community around.
3) Cultural Poverty. This tightly related to the attitude of someone or community who did not want to try (lazy) to improve the standard of living although having efforts from others that wanted to help.

Below is my view to fight poverty :
1) Stop the economic embargo. This actions have broad impact for many innocent people because it's related to life.
2) Programs of qualified education. This is the long-term aim! Create qualified manpower to be able to compete in the globalization era. It must the qualified education! Because the low standard education is not for these era.
3) Create the culture of shame. This is the most important matter. Someone should feel ashamed if unemployed, lazy.
4) Create employment opportunities. This one is not my skill. There are a lot of expert in this field and government who knows more. I just seeing many unemployment because of narrow employment opportunities.

The proverb which I like it:
1. Don't give the fish but give the fish hook.
2. Grateful of what you have, if not, you will always feels lack because the human desire has no limit.

Next... if you have a "crazy idea" to share, feel free to add it in comment.
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  1. Anonymous15/10/08

    Once again a heart felt post Tikno. I like your quote don't give fish, give fish hook!

  2. Anonymous16/10/08

    baru tahu sayah kalo ada "Blog Action Day 2008 . hiks..ketinggalan deh

  3. You're absolutely right with the second proverb. We should always be glad and thankful for what we had than complain, it makes the life worth living for..

  4. Your perspective about the world is absolutely amazing, all words are heartfelt... I'm one of those who participated to this one.. Thanks for encouraging me..

  5. Anonymous16/10/08

    Hello love ely, another meaningful entry of yours.... An eye opener to all of us whose wishlist is endless..

    Thanks for visiting my blog, received your comment there..

  6. Thanks kunjungannya. Salam kenal..

  7. Anonymous16/10/08

    to be free from poverty, must start from ourselves

  8. Dear Rummuser,
    Thank you. I like your post with the title "Is It Your Dream Life". There are a Zen Master who had a dream. I still musing it.

    Dear Gus,
    If you new to "Blog Action Day", you may get involved at the next action. Click their link in this post to find more.

    Dear Joops,
    Yes, I agree with you and thanks for your comment.

    Dear Chubskulit,
    Thanks for your compliment. I promise you to give the best.

    Dear Rose,
    Thank you for your comment.

    Dear Nindya,
    Greetings to you too.

    Dear Anthony Harman,
    Nice words, thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks, Tikno, for participating in Blog Action Day and in the chain I started at A Writer's Edge.

    Good job!

    Georganna @ A Writer's Edge

  10. Dear Georganna Hancock m.s.,
    You welcome and thank you for encouraging me

  11. Anonymous18/10/08

    Hi Tikno, I enjoyed your post. If everyone is more aware of global poverty isuues then it can only be a good thing.
    I also posted for Blog Action day if you would like to visit:

  12. Yes, poverty is reprehensible and is a monumental reminder of man's inhumanity to his fellow human being. There is so much riches and food in the affluent nations in the world, so much so, that food that go to waste in the developed countries, are more than enough to feed the hungry people of the world. As it is, pampered pets of the rich and famous eat more expensive and nutritious food than 1/3 of the population of the world who could hardly eat one or two square meals a day. Shame on us humans. Thanks for the humane post. God bless you always.

  13. Dear Bunc,
    You welcome. I'm glad knowing you enjoy this post and get involved to Blog Action Day too. I'll visit you soon.

    Dear Mel Avila Alarilla,
    I felt touched by your comment. Welcome to my blog.

  14. we also must end of effect of capitalism, increase the rights of poor and labour, abolish the separation between the rich and the poor. to make an equality
    nice to meet you your blog is nice...
    I like it ^-^

  15. Nice entry, Tikno. I like the number 2 the most as I believe it is the quality of the education that can be used as strong investment to fight poverty. I suppose this also include educating them on how to handle a small business. Thanks for reading my entry.

    Angel Cuala
    aka Guardian Angel

    Family against Poverty: Blog Action Day 2008

  16. Dear Niar,
    I think ending the effect of capitalism is a hard work in globalization era. Increasing the rights of the poor... I thought it's a good idea as long as not disrupting the other person's rights. Government's programs for creating a lot of employment opportunity for the poor and increase their skill I thought is the best way. Did your intention of "abolish the separation between the rich and the poor to make an equality" is aimed to creates a socialism system??

    Dear Guardian Angel,
    Nice input from Guardian Angel, that is educate them on how to handle a small business. I should adding it to no.5. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Thanks for the comment.. tell your wifey to always put sunscreen when going out...

    I have added you in my list, hope you can me here too.

  18. nice post. great info

  19. oooh man!!!!

    i guess i miss a big event!!!!

  20. Dear Manusia Biasa,
    You welcome. Thank you.

    Dear Tepe69ngalam,
    No late. You may wait for the next event.

  21. Anonymous22/10/08

    2) Programs of Quality Education.
    This the long-term aim! Creates quality manpower to be able to compete in the globalization era. It must the quality education!!! Because the low standard education is not on its era now.

    Everyone knew that Education is no1 solution to poverty. What can we do if our resources are limited to teachers salary.

  22. Dear "Anonimous",
    This is the case for chosen. If wanting to compete then must create the quality education. If not, we will be faced with those who had quality. For the teachers salary... I think you may questioned the government. They must have the way out.

  23. cannot blame the rich for they are rich.
    government should pay important role to end the poverty.
    in china, despite corruption issue, the government pays more attention to people's prosperity (compares to indonesia government).

  24. In Indonesia, I think KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) has undertaken their function to combat corruption. Different country has their different conditions. Thank you for your comment.

  25. Anonymous22/11/09

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Anonymous30/11/09

    Hello. And Bye.


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