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COVID-19 teachings.

Mother Nature Angry

I made powerful weapon helpless.
I made superpower speechless.
I changed the war to humanity.
I show you wealth and power is useless.

I am Mother Nature already tired.
Let fresh air blow.
Let clear water flow.
Let earth be pure again.

Allow me a short break.
Let humans in a cage for a while.
Air, earth, water, sky, just fine without you.
If I am Mother Nature have recovered, remember !
You are guest here, not my lord.

Don't forget COVID-19 teachings.


  1. Can you hear me clap Tikno?

    1. No... but I feel your touch through your comment. I heard that many unlucky people in India suffer because of lockdown.

  2. I appreciate your online learning site amid covid-19 outbreak.

  3. Pak Tikno, how are you doing? Terima kasih sudah comment di blog saya beberapa waktu lalu. Kabar saya baik, puji Tuhan. Saya sekarang bersekolah di Australia Pak untuk S3.
    Senang sekali bapak masih ingat saya. Tadi saya mau email bapak, tapi ga nemu alamat emailnya.
    Semoga bapak dan keluarga sehat selalu ya.. Tadinya saya mau hapus blok yang trakhir bapak komen karena lebih banyak curahan hati. Memang akhir2 ini banyak hal yang bikin down. Blog lama sudah saya munculkan kembali.

    Salam hangat,

    1. Hi Niar, kabar saya baik aja namun pergerakan sedikit dibatasi akibat aturan physical distancing. Semoga cita-cita Niar bisa tercapai.
      Jangan down ya... senang, sedih, jodoh, cobaan, itu memang bagian dari hidup seperti cerita novel. Jalani aja seperti air mengalir sambil berdoa, berharap dapat berlabuh di tempat yang tepat.

  4. Amin. Terima kasih banyak Pak Tikno. Tuhan berkati bapak selalu di manapun bapak berada.

  5. Sakit/penyakit/susah/sedih.. sepertinya sering jadi pengingat yang baik ya.
    Semoga pandemi ini bisa lekas bersama kita atasi. Salam.

  6. Wonderful lines with deep meaning. Regards.


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