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Tacit knowledge

Frankly, this is the most difficult topic for me to write about. This is something abstract, not easy to express or formulate in written or verbal form. But I tried to express it in this post.

When I was in junior high school, I was told that knowledge consisted of two main branches, namely exact and non-exact knowledge, as I mentioned in a previous post. Simply, I refer to it as logical and illogical knowledge, the two inseparable abilities which actually united and embedded within humans as I mentioned in the other previous post. I think those two posts can stimulate our minds on how to understand Tacit knowledge. There are two main realms. The first realm refers to the science of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer programming, etc., which can be coded/formulated, where the result is logically certain. The second realm refers to social sciences, politics, psychology, philosophy, art, etc., which cannot be coded/formulated with a definite formula.

Lately I have heard the term Tacit knowledge. Have you heard it too? Referring to Wikipedia, Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is difficult to express or extract; therefore, it is more difficult to transfer to others by means of writing it down or verbalizing it. Therefore, I think, it is more suitable to be categorized into the realm of non-exact / illogical knowledge. Tacit knowledge (sometimes refers to implicit knowledge) is deeply embedded in a person's intuition, vision, insight, cognitive, experience, ability, expertise, mentality, and wisdom. It's an individual practical to "know-how". It's an individual "know-why" on actions in the decision-making process. I ask you how such knowledge can be formulated and transferred to someone easily and exactly the same as the source person? If I tell someone about the formula for calculating area = length x width, then he can easily (and right away) have exactly the same knowledge as I think. But I have difficulty telling him the theory of how to ride a bicycle easily. He had to try it, experience it, maybe get a minor injury from falling off the bike, try again and try again. If he is successful, that is Tacit knowledge embedded in him, because he knows how to maintain his body balance on the bicycle.

Characteristics of Tacit knowledge.

  1. Abstract. Each person has their own instincts, intuition, vision, experience, mentality and wisdom.
  2. Debatable. Maybe you have your own views if I decide that an interior design is beautiful, because each person has their own perspective on beauty. On the other hand (explicit knowledge), would you argue if I told someone that 1+1=2?
  3. Emotional Quotient (otherwise known as Emotional Intelligent). This is a person's ability to interact with other people to achieve certain goals. He knows how. Each person's results are not necessarily the same.
  4. Unconscious. Tacit knowledge is often already ingrained within individuals. He may not even be aware of it. It's an automatic and intuitive understanding. Who teaches newborn babies to use their intuition to suck milk from their mother's breasts? The baby just uses his intuition to know-how. Another example: there is a child who is naturally able to draw beautiful sketches without a theoretical learning process.
  5. Personal and subjective. Tacit knowledge is unique and can vary between individuals, as it is shaped by their unique experiences, skills, practice, observations and perspectives in a particular domain. Sometimes, Tacit knowledge is authoritative within a person.
  6. Contextual. Applying Tacit knowledge in one field may not apply in another. The success of a CEO in saving an insurance company from bankruptcy may not necessarily be successful in saving a mining company in the same way. A successful method of handling the same cases in western countries may not necessarily be successful if it is used the same method in eastern countries.
  7. Difficult to articulate formally. Because it is often subconscious or embedded within a person. Please ponder the explanation about the bicycle and the baby above. Usually, a successful manager can easily explain his success with normative keywords. For example: learning, diligent, discipline, data collection, team building, struggle, focus, etc. But he would be difficult to answer if asked how to have the right intuition like you in deciding some particular cases. Or how to have a good insight like you? After the CEO explains everything, it's not certain that you will be as successful as him, because there is an X-factor that is subconsciously embedded in him.
  8. Informal. This is often obtained informally, through advice from family, personal experience, social environment, culture, through trial and error, learning from mentors, and day-to-day problem solving.

Implicit knowledge.

Another example of Tacit knowledge includes the expertise of a chef to create a perfect dish, unique flavors, without following a formal recipe. For this one, I like it so much. There is an eccentric question to test your understanding. If a playboy transfers his skills in theory to you, would you be able to easily win the hearts of many women like him? For this one, don't do that. And one serious question from the post about PhD: If a scientist is able to make a dent at the boundary of human knowledge, does it has anything to do with the Tacit knowledge embedded in him?

Well, there is a lot that I want to write, but I have difficulty articulating it all in verbal or written form. Maybe you have many questions about this post or have different thoughts.


  1. Wah .... Minimal setelah membaca artikel ini saya tahu tentang, "Tacit Knowledge" terima kasih, Mas Tikno

    1. Terimakasih sudah membaca postingan yang sulit saya tulis ini.

  2. sangat detil sekali mas, emang ada 2 cabang ilmu ya,ehm dua induk ilmu mungkin ya lebih tepatnya
    nice share

    1. Sejauh yang saya tahu sampai saat ini belum ada pembagian pengetahuan (knowledge) yang baku. Penggolongan yang saya tulis dalam posting sebelumnya mengacu pada pemahaman umumnya yang saya dapatkan selama ini, dan saya lebih cenderung mengacu pada dua bagian utama fungsi otak manusia.

  3. I think you've made a lot of good points here. I'm not sure the dividing line between these two types is as strong as most believe. Science is built on models and its truth claims are always subject to change. And that subtle inner impulse could affect scientists and logicians too. To answer your question, YES, I have heard of the term. The leading thinker back in my day was Michael Polanyi. A really good professor mentored him in an undergrad "Sociology of Knowledge" course back in the mid-1980s.

    1. You are right, until now there is no standard dividing line (accepted universally) to distinguish knowledge into two main classifications. Knowledge is always evolving. Each author classifies knowledge according to their own perspective. Therefore, I prefer to classify knowledge by referring to the two main functions of human brain.

      Now there is a thematic learning model in schools, which frees students to combine several knowledge to improvise in solving a particular case.
      Thank you for adding about Michael Polanyi to enrich the discourse on this topic.

    2. Btw, I would like to know how knowledge is classified according to you.

    3. Yikes. That is a really big question and to be honest, I haven't thought about it too carefully for a while. There are so many ways to look at the question of knowledge. I tried to tackle it once - in the style of philosophical writing - with an online article but I took it down.

      But let me just say I believe human beings are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual beings. For me, I have to take care of all these aspects or I just don't feel well.

      Instead of using the word "classify" as you do, I tend to use the word "interpret." But I still believe there is room for direct, revealed knowledge (which may later be interpreted).

    4. You deserve a big question. LOL

  4. Abstrak dan sulit dipahami ya...
    Untungnya dicontohkan dengan sederhana dengan model cara mengendarai sepeda.
    Terima kasih atas tambahan pengetahuannya.


    1. Terimakasih Anda mau membaca tulisan yang sulit ini.
      Salam buat Anda.

  5. I read this great post carefully, and I think you expressed it well.
    I like the way how you interpret knowledge.
    By the way, what philosophy do you like the most?

    1. Hi Ross, thank you for reading. I have a lot to write about this topic, but I have difficulty expressing it.
      I love the Yin & Yang symbol.

    2. I like it too. That symbol is like uniting the two magnetic poles.

  6. Reading this post reminds me of my former manager, she used to talk about tacit knowledge and I didn't even know what she meant, lol..
    As a customer service person (at that time), I knew how to treat my customers well with my intuition.. did something good for them, even though it wasn't written in the books/guidelines, with friendliness, kindness and also based on my work experience. Is it right called tacit knowledge? cmiiw

    1. Hi Novri Yanti,
      One of the characteristics of Tacit knowledge is contextual. I assume you are asking in the context of interacting with other people. You have used your intuition on how to treat customers well. That's Tacit Knowledge within you. Tacit knowledge affects what radiates from you when interacting with other people. What do you decide, and how does the audience react to your decision? Each person's results may be different.
      Hmmm.... there is one key word in this context: will you give me a natural smile? Haa... haa.....

  7. Perkongsian yang amat baik .. Terima kasih :D

  8. Apakah debat capres juga termasuk Tacit Knowledge, soalnya debatable. Yang ini bilang capres ini bagus, yang lain bantah katanya jelek.😂

    1. Tidak, sebab yang didebatkan itu sesuatu yang normatif, logis, akademis, apalagi saling ejek.
      Semuanya masih tahap teori dan janji akan....


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