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Sincerity mathematical formula.

I classify science into two: exact and non-exact science. I am sure you have known mathematical formulas to calculate area, volume, profit and loss in business, etc. This field is known as exact science which requires logical thinking. Beyond exact science such as philosophy, theology, social, politic, in my opinion there is no exact formula. Am I correct?

Well, what if we make a mathematical formula to calculate the level of sincerity. Can it be? Let's try it. For this one I made the following illustration.

Mathematical formula to calculate sincerity.

I am aware that the hypothesis above has not yet been scientifically tested, therefore I allow the researchers to test it. For readers of this blog, please understand and prove it yourself from your own viewpoint. Perhaps you are imagining the formula above is a form of bill to calculate the expected result of your good deeds to God. Ohh... that is up to you because I am not forcing you to do that.


  1. What if 0/0 = 0 give "nothing" and expect "nothing"

    1. then you will get "status quo" LOL

  2. Brilliant. I am sharing on facebook.

    1. Thanks. Hopefully they like it.

  3. I like it! I believe in appreciating what I have and giving without expecting anything in return, and it works for me! LOL!

    I like your statement saying people are prohibited from making personal attacks. Not everyone does that.

    1. Nice to hear your positive experience about sincerity. That's something rare nowadays. That's as rare as finding true love in the material age, where "desire" is often found to exceed "affordability".

  4. I took pure science when I was at SBP. But later I did TESL and became a teacher...

  5. Clever and amusing. But I'm not sure everyone would agree on your primary distinction.

    1. Will you explain it further what is my primary distinction?


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