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Dilemma in vaccination

COVAX is a WHO program to ensure the availability and accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccine worldwide in a fast, fair and equitable manner. As we know, only a few countries are capable of producing the Covid-19 vaccine. This initiative sounds ideal for many poor and developing (and non-producing) countries. Presently Covid-19 vaccine has become something contested by many countries, much more valuable than any drugs. Because it can be used as the "game changer" in economical and political matters. Will the producing countries are willing to provide adequate amounts of vaccine for other countries while their people really need it. Well, how do you think about that? I think, if the herd immunity only occurs in a few countries, then this pandemic will not end, which at the end will worry you constantly in doing business activity with other countries. You can not alone, righ? Please read the news about the worries of rich countries hoarding Covid-19 vaccine and the wealthy countries deals with vaccine manufacturers led to reduction in amount of vaccines allocated to COVAX, and the WHO warns of "catastrophic moral failure". I really hope this program can run smoothly for the sake of humanity.

About dilemma in personal level.
Ohh... this is more complicated. It's a phobia problem. I found this video on YouTube and share it here.


  1. I can see the dilemma but, would rather not comment as religious issues are involved. On the personal front however, if one has decided to take the vaccination, one should simply grit one's teeth and get it over with. The discomfort of the jab and its side effects are within manageable limits as I have personally experienced.

    1. Thank you for the information. Do you think the COVAX scheme will be effective?

    2. I am not an expert to comment but, millions are taking it.

    3. Just hope that scheme goes well. Your country is very lucky to have produced this vaccine.

  2. I've had the vaccine and the actual application does not hurt. I say this truthfully because I hate needles. However, your arm does ache later. In the U.S. we still have too many people who do not want to take the vaccine. Therefore, I don't know when we'll reach herd immunity. I agree that wealthier countries need to help others in just as much need because we are all connected.

    1. What vaccine did you get? I was injected using Sinovac vaccine and am waiting for my second injection. After the first injection, I felt a little sore at arm for few hours. Before the first shot, I asked the medical staff about Sinovac side effects, and I was told that each person will be different. Some experience tired, slight fever, nausea, or drowsiness. That is normal as a reaction from our body. By the way, there are many false issue about Covid-19 vaccine.
      For those who refuse vaccine, I think they are risking themselves and become a burden for government.

  3. Aneh juga sih ya malah ga jarang para tenaga medis yang ketakutan sama jarum suntik. Bahkan lelaki bertubuh kekar aja bisa meraung2 melihat alat vaksinnya hahaha :D Semoga vaksinasi ini segera tercapai pemerataannya di seluruh Indonesia agar kita lebih bisa menjaga diri dan terhindar dari penyakit2 berbahaya ini aamiin.

    1. Tapi banyak juga yang bandel menolak divaksin, tidak percaya covid itu nyata.

  4. Alhamdulillah kalau saya tidak takut kalau disuntik
    Tapi entah kenapa setelah vaksi kok malah mudah sakit XD ah mungkin perasaanku saja

  5. Ross9/9/23

    Finally humans are capable to overcome this pandemic.


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