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Young policeman rocking India

Indeed, recently the atmosphere in police station moreover the policeman duty was full of pressure. Each seconds must be ready to meet the call of duty, and must be able to move quickly to the crime scene. Moreover, recently in Indonesia occurred two events that cause high tension for them, namely the book-bomb terror and demonstration due to controversy in football.

Nonetheless, police also human like us who need a little relax and joke (though momentary). So do not blame this young policeman to release a little tension. You better watch it before get blocked.

This video has been aired yesterday afternoon by a TV station in Indonesia. Apparently this video is very popular after aired as I see today (after next 12 hours) it has 105,669 views on YouTube. Hopefully this will not become our national joke. If yes then I guess my friend Rummuser from India will be shocked to know his country's song Chaiyya-Chaiyya involved in this humor.

PS: This video has been widespread in the social networking and re-aired today by several TV stations in Indonesia. Even the news reporter laugh out loud. I have watched this video with my 2 kids. I said: "Son, don't worry, it turns out the police are not scary". It's time for humor, don't you?


  1. Hi Tikno, thank s for sharing this, its so funny.

    The other guy was engrossed with his cell phone. Things seemed pretty peaceful in this out post. Maybe a remote area.

  2. Iya, sebaiknya Briptu Norman ini jangan dikasi sanksi, kan brimob juga manusia..

  3. Dab luck. The video seemed to have been removed :(.

  4. Typo: It should have been:
    "Bad luck. The video seemed to have been removed :(.

  5. @ Amrita,
    He's rocking India in the city Gorontalo (capital city of Gorontalo province).

    @ Romeogadungan,
    Menurut kabar hari ini Briptu Norman hanya diberi teguran ringan. Syukurlah.

    @ Colon,
    Do not worry! I've found another link.
    Previous news reported that he will be punished by his superiors. But today I heard a good news that he just get reproved.

  6. Really funny and talented guy. What is he doing the the police force in the first place??!! He should be looking for a career on stage.

    He got reproved? For what? For being upbeat? For being the kind of police officer you want to meet?

    He should be promoted. His bosses don't seem to be in touch with reality.

  7. Colson,
    Just a mild reprimand coincides with April Fools Day ;)

    The world know a celebrity from football (David Beckham). This time the turn of the police.

  8. Tikno, I am delighted. I look forward to the day that you and I can dance to this tune together. I am just concerned that the young man may get into trouble.

  9. Rummuser,
    Ohh... this young policeman got his lucky star. Got many offers of interviews, become popular in seconds, got hundreds SMS a day, overwhelmed with a dozen phone calls a day, and even the Chief of national police supports his talent by giving permission to appear on a TV show.

  10. It looks like he is using his time as productively as all the rest of the policeman. Is the one behind him playing a game on a iPhone?

  11. Looney,
    Norman argued that his rocking is to entertain friend at his side who feel sad because having a little problem. I don't know if his friend were playing iPhone. Media just focused on "dancing cop".

  12. Anonymous12/4/11

    Again, YOU find the BEST of us. I hope Ely and Alex are well and exploding with thought ,(like Father!).

  13. Anonymous12/4/11

    Damn funny police :p ha ha ha
    This is what happens when one gets bored

  14. Hello Omegetymon,
    Thank you for the compliment. Been a long time not hear from you.

    Hi Bear Wife,
    His rocking became his lucky star. ;)


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