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The Future In Our Hands

The Future

Have you ever heard about the end of the world (doomsday)? Let me share the list of human predictions towards these issue. Unfortunately, all predictions are wrong. My friend ever said: "There are many faithful peoples in this world, and their prayer will prevent it". Apart from the matter above, in this opportunity I only want to share a video that attracted my attention. The author only give the initial name as "fwywarrior". Click "The Future Of Our World" to play.

This post also inspired by the global issue that we are facing now, such as global warming (climate change), ozone layer depletion (or ozone hole), several animals that was extinct, new disease that appear in human life in this century. Many scientists spend their time in effort to fight climate change. At least we also think to our own grandchildren. What can we do to help prevent Climate Change? Personally many things that we can do to appreciate the scientists effort. If you care about it, click here.

Welcoming Christmas, and Old & New 2008-2009, let us muse the future. Whether this earth has old enough to support our life?


  1. Anonymous13/12/08

    human can make the world a better place to live, yet human can also have a power and ability to destroy it

    I believe in simple steps that everyone can contribute to save the environment such as save the energy and water, minimize the use of plastics material, reduce the household chemical, and drive less. just like the old saying: big changes start with small steps

    oya mas tikno, I noticed that you like to use the word 'muse'. does it mean to contemplate?

    have a fab weekend:)

  2. We don't know how and when. Nobody does. But one thing we should be sure of, if we are ready if it happen anytime... Think about it.

  3. Anonymous13/12/08

    That's right. Talk about doomsday, make our vision to the future is become bleak. Better prepare us all well. Becauce, the future is in our own hand

  4. Anonymous13/12/08

    I still feel optimistic about our future. I believe there are many more people wanting to do what's best for the earth and its inhabitants than those who would do harm.

  5. yes, i have heard about doomsday and i strongly believe that it will happen...someday. but when , i dont know and i dont want to know.


  6. I believe all of the prophecies will come to pass that is because of the wickedness of the people but no one could tell when is that great and dreadful day gonna come but we can see the signs and I agree to what you say, that God will protect those who are faithful. That's why we are urge to prepare ourselves both spiritually and temporally.

  7. Anonymous14/12/08

    wah... pake bhs inggris semua nih komentarnya... aku pake bhs indonesia aja deh ehehe.. boleh kan???

  8. Dear Ernita, you captured my mind exactly with your first sentence. And yes..., contemplate the future of our world for welcoming Christmas and new year. Just a little post for sharing.
    Dear Grace, I'm sure nobody know, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son. But one thing is sure, if we do not love this earth, then the day will come more quickly. Do not buy a refrigerator (or any cooler) that uses chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is one of the small things we can do.
    Dear Anthony Harman, preparation from religion side is good, but we must also act although with a small things.
    Dear Melinda, even the UN has act with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and many governments had ratified the Kyoto Protocol. But all does not mean if no support from each of us.
    Congratulations! You have been accepted at Harvard University.
    Dear Irtiza104, I respect your choices.
    Dear White Shadow, I agree with you, we ought to prepare ourselves both spiritually and temporally.
    Planting trees around the house yard, also a small effort that give big contribution.
    Dear Lyla, thanks for welcoming here.

  9. The one to blame is Human ...
    pollution is the cause.
    Armageddon... the end of the world, it will come, for sure...

  10. dear Tikno,
    actually I am agree with the opinion that the future in our hands.
    did you believe that today our world become much easier by the progress of technology and human capability. But beside that we get the consequence of it all. We can see that today (for example) water which is abundant is being rare because of human creation by private this. many of people died because lack of water. another example is the development of nuclear. nuclear is a danger and become one power of the state. and the power of nuclear can destroy a quarter of the world. can you imagine that? or maybe you can see the progrees of our climate.
    here, I means that the doomsday or the destroy of the world of depend on the human, beside the God who decided. And I believe that people is a the one who make the future of universe and earth.
    So, I want to ask of our awareness about it and love our earth and protect it.
    good posting

  11. I believe it...
    But we don't know how and when this happen.

  12. Anonymous14/12/08

    I believe it...
    But we don't know how and when this happen.

  13. Anonymous15/12/08

    I agree with your post. I hope we change course soon, if not for our greedy selves, then for the generations to come.

  14. Anonymous15/12/08

    I agree with you Tikno - I believe the future is totally in our own hands. - R

  15. Anonymous15/12/08

    I still believe that someday there will be a doomsday that we can't avoid ...
    Everything in this universe always have a starting point (please be noted: the big bang theory...) and an ending point...which we called a doomsday...(almost all of the hollybooks said so) So, don't worry's not a big deal...

  16. Dear Nakatsu Senpai, I agree with you.

    Dear Niar, if many people died because of lack of water, then their government must be responsible. Talking about nuclear weapon, it depend on how human to use it. It's Ok for medical purpose. But the MOST DANGER is, if nuclear be used for gaining the dignity of a nation.
    Good comment!

    Dear Yopan Prihadi, although we don't know when... but one thing that we know is human has the ability to prepare the prevention, so it not come soon.

    Dear Kat, an interesting thought!
    Thank you.

    Dear Robin, thank you!

    Dear Djoko Wahjuadi, for me it's a big deal! Such as cancer that will kill slowly, if just being let.

  17. Anonymous16/12/08

    Great post.It s really high time we take action an atleast make this world a beautiful place for our generations to come .

  18. Dear Bikran, thank you.

  19. aduh . .
    me good good only
    ga ngerti inggris sih :P

  20. I believed the day will come..but let us not focus so much on it but rather let us live doing our part to extend help where help is needed. The world will come to an end, but let not kindness and love disminish..pass it on. Regards.

  21. We should ready ourselves to this, but are we?

    btw, i am following your blog.

    kisses and hugs to your lovely daughter

  22. Anonymous16/12/08

    how are we going to face the final curtain?

  23. Anonymous16/12/08

    merry Christmas man!

  24. W.B Yeats actually wrote the poem the second coming on the same topic :)

    nice post!!

  25. Thanks for the comment on my blog about Adi Da, and yes, prayer will prevent this!
    So will action and love, and compassion.

    I think the 2012 myth has got a bit out of hand, and it's not as bad as all that. I think that if we start now, so much can be prevented, but we have to take responsibility, as well as pray.

  26. Anonymous17/12/08

    Benar mas Tikno, rusaknya alam adalah karena tangan tangan manusia. Bagaimana kedepannya, sangat bergantung tindakan apa akan kita lakukan sekarang.

  27. Anonymous17/12/08

    I had been watch the video.

    I beleive about boomday, but no one can predicts it. It's too compicated. But, we go to there. There are many signal about boomday.

    I am going with you and Ernita, and some comenters.

    I had post the same topic here. What is global warming. Thanks for share.

  28. hi love-ELY
    thanks for droppingby...
    for my old blog
    how are you rigth now?
    gbu my friend.

  29. Anonymous17/12/08

    Tikno, your concern is indeed very real and shared by millions all over the world. Almost daily, we get disturbing news about change in climate and the latest is this

    I am not very hopeful of my grandchildren living in a nice place.

  30. As always, Tikno has a very good article to share with.
    I can't believe I was too busy with my blog and miss your great article.
    I am 100% agree with you that the future is in our hands! But I would give another 10% that GOD holds our future.
    No one could say when the end of the world but GOD Himself.

  31. Dear Astri Astronot, you welcome.
    Dear HoneyBUZZ, nice words, thanks.
    Dear Chubskulit, I will do the same, thank you.
    Dear Misty, if the "final" has come, just pray.
    Dear Joops, thanks. Merry Christmas to you and family.
    Dear Phoenix, welcome from India. I like to read it, but you don't leave its link.
    Dear Chandira, you are right, if we start now, so much can be prevented. I pray for the 2012 myth will not come.
    Dear Erik, you are right, mostly the damage of nature because of human.
    Dear Seno, thanks, I shall go there.
    Dear Maus, I'm OK, welcome to you.
    Dear Rummuser, thank you so much for sharing the latest news from BBC, that is most related to this post. Such as cancer, usually people realize it after being late or after feels the real effect.
    And..., your last sentence strengthen my concern, or perhaps to my visitors here.
    Dear Aldhis, I agree that God also holds our future, but I also afraid that God will NOT do that if we do nothing.

  32. Dear Tikno, Am i late? Well,It's better to late than never right? We need to prepare ourselves because it will happen someday. But when? We don't know. "If ye shall prepare, ye shall not fear". I absolutely agree with Ernita D. Humans are the most dangerous and destructive. None of the creatures named are destroying the planet but us. We are the only species that kills it’s own sphere. We kill people, kill the animal, environment, destroying the earth----our own home. Without the earth we're are we going to live?

  33. not only pray, but act! the easiest thing to do is to start from 'myself'. live a 'green' life!

  34. To Mr. Tinko

    You are heartily welcome to my blogs.

    I would be visiting your blogspace, as I have found your writing interesting.

    Naval Langa

  35. Tikno I found your post as well as the movie very interesting.

    I think our time would be better served living this day. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

    We can conserve where it is possible. Love our neighbor while keeping our family our first priority. Live a life that is ethical beyond description. And, be grateful for all that we have and will achieve.

    These are things that bring positive energy to our world. This is an interesting and exciting time to live. We should live it with a purpose of good.

    Another very good post.

  36. Doomsday...? Is a badly thought, which leaves more questions than answers...there's no growth without changes and no change without fear, but we must believed, there'r God.,if we love the nature, the earth and Him...He'll save us.

  37. I believe it, but actually we don't know how and when it happen...

  38. I think we all are responsible for the happening of the world. What is written i absolutely true.

    Dooms day. Well that will be the day when the USA lauchers its next attack on the innocent in the Asia. keep my word

  39. I'm kinda frightened actually for the final day..

    following your blog man..

  40. Anonymous19/12/08

    we should be ready anytime...

  41. Dear Maria, no matter late or not, I'm very appreciate your comments.
    Dear Yendoel, I'm impressed with your words.
    Dear Naval Langa, welcome from India. My friends, Rummuser and Phoenix, who has leave comment above also from India. I like your blog!
    Dear Mckay, Thank you for the compliment.
    Dear Srex Aswinto, thank you, hope these post will raise our awareness. See comment from Rummuser above.
    Dear Ajeng, we know how to prepare and prevent, the future in our hand.
    Dear Deco, thank you.
    Dear Joops, thank you. Perhaps, you would like to give an explanation for Deco's statement.
    Dear Misty, thank you.

  42. uhm.. hi. may i noe hu r u? btw, nice to meet you.

  43. Anonymous20/12/08

    Thanks Mas Tikno, my wife just already back from the hospital. Thanks for praying and for your attention. GBU.

  44. Anonymous20/12/08

    yup, bener sekali, karena cuma kita yang bisa menentukan jalan dan arah kemana tujuan ingin dicapai ;)

  45. Dear Choczbabylover, I'm just an ordinary man.
    Dear Seno, I'm glad to know these good news.
    Dear Bloggeraddicter, you are right.

  46. Anonymous21/12/08

    Muaaantaaaaf bosss


  47. Anonymous21/12/08

    Tentang buku, "30 hari mencari cinta". Buku diluncurkan tahun 2007.

  48. Anonymous21/12/08

    Zharalfasadu filbarri wal bahri bima kasabat aidinnas...; this is just another perspective of the future; yes, it is in our honesty and peaceful hands. Shalom.

  49. Anonymous21/12/08

    thanks for your comment at my blog..

  50. Anonymous21/12/08

    nature gave everythink what people need in this world, but still many people not understand all of it. Marry Christmas and Happy New Year for you mas tikno :)

  51. Anonymous22/12/08

    our future are babies future, the means that we must concern about ecology and human population, if the population are increase then the life opportunity become decrease for our next generation

  52. Anonymous25/12/08

    Dear Tikno,

    Thank you for sharing this!

    I'm happy not to live a million, or a billion, years. But the message of working together for the good of all mankind is an excellent concept.

    Looking forward to reading your blog in 2009.

    Your friend,

  53. Dear Gombloh, thank you.
    Dear Seno, I will try to find that book on local store.
    Dear Munawar, thank you.
    Dear The Facia, thanks too.
    Dear Harianku, you are right. Merry Christmas to you.
    Dear M4stono, I think human population is only one reason. The most important is our willing and effort to overcome this matter. Please search through the internet with keyword "prevent climate change"
    Dear Brennan Kingsland, I can't imagine how old I'm, if live billion years, ha... ha...

  54. Anonymous27/11/09

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. HI let me tell you the future is in our hands after we part we need to leave a good place for the next generations no pollution no killing animals ,they need our help the water and the air super important dont destroy our world help to preserve ,thanks


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