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LGBT and Human Rights

The existence of LGBT people in society is a fact. Legally, some countries legalize their status, while the majority of others still do not. What influences someone to become LGBT? There's a whole range of hypotheses, from the viewpoint of genetic, psychological, psychosocial, and personal experience. It is too long to write here, so please read it on the internet. The logical question is, who doesn't want to have a normal family (father, mother and biological children)? Sometimes I can understand that people who experience same-sex sexual desire are not their logical choice.

LGBT people demand their rights using human rights arguments. Meanwhile, the majority use arguments that apply in society. Indeed, this is a complex phenomenon, like between liberals and conservatives.

So, what is my view on this phenomenon? Well, I was born and raised in eastern culture, a religious society. But I tend to think moderately. Personal freedom of LGBT people in society to live and earn a living shouldn't be limited (equal rights in terms of human rights).

But I don't want them to be over privileged or promoted on every corner, like election campaign or propaganda, let alone promoting their sexual deviance to children. Other people who follow the laws, norms, religion and customs that apply in society (public rights) also have the right to protect their children. So, personal freedom (be it freedom of speech or expression) should not be placed above public rights. There are no absolute human rights and freedoms of speech (without limits). The limits are the rights of other people (public rights).

However, human civilization is dynamic following its times. Who knows, one day, LGBT will become the "new normal" in the future of society's life. I guess that day will come if scientists can scientifically prove that LGBT people have genetic disorders from birth. This will give rise to a new scientific argument that being LGBT is not their choice. But, if that day has come, how will religion respond to it?


  1. Happy Eid al-Fitr. May this special day bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to everyone.

  2. selamat hari raya aidil fitri. maaf zahir n batin...

    1. Terima kasih. Selamat Idul Firti buat Abam Kie dan keluarga di Malaysia. Mohon maaf lahir & batin.

  3. Aku cukup "akrab" dengan LGBTQ. Salah seorang keluargaku (dari keluarga suami tanteku, terhubung karena pernikahan), yang kupanggil "Uu" (Uak) adalah seorang transpuan. Beliau sudah almarhumah dan semasa hidupnya banyak sekali kenangan manis yang ditinggalkan, termasuk memotong rambutku karena beliau punya salon. Dulu sebagai anak-anak aku melihatnya sebagai hal yang normal, beliau sama seperti tante-tanteku yang lain. Dan setelah dewasa aku jadi merasa beruntung karena mengerti bahwa gak semua orang itu sama dan ya, transpuan itu ADA. Aku jadi belajar untuk gak cepat menghakimi dan hanya menilai orang dari dalamnya saja wheter dia transpuan, gay, bi atau apapun itu.

    Tapi ya, aku juga setuju jangan sampai over privilaged, karena menurutku sexual preference itu BUKAN untuk dipromosikan.

    Selamat Lebaran, maaf lahir dan batin ya.

    1. Hello Indi, terimakasih sudah berbagi pengalaman Anda. Ya, mereka perlu diperlakukan layaknya manusia. Sedihnya, disini kaum waria sering dibully.
      Selamat Lebaran juga buat Indi & Shane, semoga bahagia.

  4. Indeed.... every human beings have the rights to live without discrimination whether they are LGBT, colors, religious views etc......

  5. Hak mencari nafkah memang tidak dibatasi, tapi hak merusak lingkungan itu harus ditumpas, hehe... Maaf agak sok keras. Ini hanya sekadar penyemangat.

    1. Lingkungan apa yang mereka rusak?


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