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Waiting In Line.

What? Talking about waiting in line? Yeah! Why not? Maybe you think this is a useless, trivial topic. But I witnessed several incidents of scrambling over the distribution of free basic food. Either the aid was from the government or from the UN. Even some people died as a result of being trampled under foot. It could be that the distribution method is not done correctly. But I think it's more about people's patience. In many cases, maybe you have heard stories about the method of bribing officers so that their wishes can be processed more quickly without having to queue. I have not found a study/research about which countries are the most disciplined in queuing. But from what I have heard and read so far, it is Japan.

Changing the character of an adult (or an old person) is not easy. It's easier to educate children from birth. I'm talking about this topic not because I'm better than you. I'm just thinking about how to shape the character of our children as the next generation of the nation to be better. One of the simplest things is to teach them to queue because there are many life values to be gained, namely:

  1. It is easier to teach children to count, but it takes a long time to build a patient character in them.
  2. The character of a person determines the success of their life journey later on. By patiently queuing, a child learns not to seize the rights of others in front of them. No company is willing to hire someone who likes to seize other people's rights, even if they are smart. It's about character.
  3. Learning to understand the law of cause and effect. If you come late, you have to accept the consequences of being at the back of the queue or not getting a turn at all. If you want to get a position at the front, then you must come early, at least come on time. Being on time is one of the most valued things in the business world and in dealing with others.
  4. A person who jumps the queue usually gets negative feedback from others or reprimanded by the person in front of him. That's where a child will learn shame if he does disgraceful things. This is one of the best character buildings.
  5. Keep struggling and being patient in the queue without bribing the officer will form a tough and honest character. Isn't it valuable?
  6. While waiting in line, a child will learn to respect time.
  7. Not all children will use complicated math or physics formulas to achieve their dreams of becoming a successful businessman, musician, athlete, artist, etc. Successfully educating children to become useful people and successfully having a happy household with adorable grandchildren does not need a high IQ.
  8. and so on, there are many more. Readers are welcome to add.

I think those values are important assets for them to succeed in life. In my little family, I never insist my children to be a champion in math, physics or biology if it is not their passion. Unless they aspire to be researchers/scientists. A normal IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score is enough for me if that is their maximum limit. But I am more worried if their EQ (Emotional Quotient) score is bad. Please find out for yourself what EQ is by surfing on the internet.

People waiting in line.

Image source: photo by Cátia Matos from Pexels at
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  1. Many trivial things can determine a person's personality without realizing it. The simplest thing is to smile. It's like transmitting positive energy as signal of welcome & comfort to those around you.
    Btw... your post brings the unthinkable to such importance.

    1. Agree. Always radiating positive energy can influence someone's success in their life.

  2. I think we Canadians are pretty good about queuing, but I haven't travelled enough to know how we rate.

    1. That's good to hear from you.
      Nevertheless the state of affairs will change if it come to hunger and thirst.

  3. I think there are two discourses in Western society. On the one hand, it's as you say. Companies seek fair individuals who get along with other people and who do not cheat. But on the other hand, there is a level of corruption where the best cheaters are rewarded. There is a science fiction short story to this effect, where the best cheater on an aptitude test gets to be president or something like that. I read it a long time ago and cannot remember the author. I thought it was interesting as a boy. Now I see it as a social commentary.

    1. Sometimes the bad things can slip through the filter in imperfect mortal world. In the end, the chosen one is still the good one.

  4. waiting in line, simple but hard to do nowadays

  5. everyone is equal... so, waiting line is one way to treat equality....

  6. Good point. Queueing teaches you to be patient.

  7. Tetapi, zaman sekarang budaya ngantri sudah lumayan, dibandingkan dahulu. Mungkin seiring perkembangan pendidikan. Makin tinggi pendidikan seseorang mudah2an kian tinggi pula kesadarannya menghormati orang lain.

    1. Memang zaman sekarang lebih baik. Saya kira, pendidikan sejak dini di dalam keluarga memegang peran penting.

  8. Di jaman yang serba cepat dan praktis sekarang ini, memang tepat untuk mengajarkan anak-anak kita bersabar, menunggu giliran. Budaya mengantri patut untuk menjadi salah satu caranya. Salam kenal pak!

    1. Salam kenal juga, Fani. Terimakasih sudah membaca blog ini.

  9. Sangat bersetuju dengan semua point yang diberi. Nak pupuk kesabaran dalam diri anak-anak dari kecil, kita sebagai ibu bapa yang main peranan. Nanti nak cuba juga la ajak anak beratur beli makanan yang ramai pelanggan. Boleh explain kat dia tentang sabar.

    Thanks for this good article.

    1. You're welcome, Shahada Fauzi.

  10. artikel yang sangat menarik
    saya sangat sependapat

  11. kena ajar murid2 beratur semasa nak beli makanan di kantin. itu yg paling asas sy rasa...


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