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Flood In Samarinda City

From Friday, November 7th 2008 (Indonesian time), the flood was happened at several places in Samarinda city, and four days next (November 11th) has overflowed into more areas. Close to afternoon the electricity around the city has switched off by the electric company. At one place, a student Roby has died because the flood's water containing electric current derived from the traffic light pole. That's the reason why the electricity cannot be switched on until they find its problems.

Flood in Samarinda city

Local newspapers had reported that in several places the flood's height is about 40 to 100 cm and flooding over hundreds houses. Schools and shops in serious flood location has been holiday. From obtained news, the flood was caused by the high rainfall, dam water overflow, the river water was rising and was aggravated with the shallow riverbed. In the area of the Unmul botanical garden, as many as thirteen crocodile was wandering because the guardrail was broken as a result of being bashed by the flood.


  1. I feel sad from the first part of your post until I saw the last picture. lol

    That is a good thing to face problems. Be positive and have some humor to face it.

    I really hate flood. I had experienced this in the Philippines but good thing we live in the upper part of the village.
    I remember some of my friends climbed in their roof during those times.

  2. Hi Tikno, So sorry to hear what you are going through. Does your city flood often? I hope not.

    You and your family are in my prayers. I agree with Penlighted, the picture of you in the little boat is really funny!

    I hope the water receds so you get life back to normal. God bless you Tikno!

  3. Dear Tikno, I feel sorry when I read your post. I hope everything's will be alright.

    In Jakarta, especially in my neighborhood, we also have annual flood :( but fortunately it didn't get into my house.

    Sometimes I wonder what our government did when they approve the infrastructure program...

  4. Anonymous14/11/08

    Wah, ternyata kena banjir lagi ya?

  5. Tikno You and your family are in my thoughts and in my prayers.

    With all the love surrounding you, I know you will get through this OK. it is just difficult today and maybe even a difficult week. You will be OK.

    It sounds like you have a very strong family unit as well as a blogging community. And their combined love will server to keep you strong.

    You are doing the best you can to keep your family safe. That is all you can do.

    Know that people around the world are sending thoughts of encouragement and love your way. You are thought of often and you are loved. That is evident by all the awards you received-even in your absence.

    Be well

  6. Hi Tikno. What a mess! Still, it made me feel that I knew you a little more - where you came from, what things were like around you. I even looked up Samarinda on Wikipedia! I hope that the clean-up was not too bad.

  7. Anonymous14/11/08

    duh banjir lagi banjir lagi :(

  8. Flood is the messy disaster.. I'm glad that you find humor inspite of that.. That's an attitude that we all need!

  9. Anonymous14/11/08

    good to know that even if your house was flooded, you are all safe...

  10. Anonymous14/11/08

    Just be very careful with baby ely, she might get something out of that... take care!

  11. Dear Tikno, I don't like flood either, I think nobody does. Here in the US there are some part of some states that experienced flooding too just last week. But we are in a higher elevation but I just think of those who is within those zone. As I look at the pictures, it is really a mess. Good to know that your family is okay. I know you are a very responsible person and think of the safety of your family. I hope you find some way to enjoy with your family and stay safe. My prayers to you and to all the people in your area. God bless..

  12. You deserve the award, Tikno. I'm sorry about the student who was killed because of electricution. And I would like to say please take extra care yourself.

  13. Dear Penlighted,
    Thank you for your attention. The flood not only made me difficult but all the inhabitant. I salute to your blog (Clinical Rounds) about nurse, their activity and noble heart. I bookmarks it for my regularly visit.
    Dear Lori,
    Your prayer makes me feels strong. Thank you very much, Lori. Usually the small flood happens during the rainy season. Not serious as is happen now. In fact, I did not want to show my picture on a little boat. Just because my wife supported me, I change my mind. I said "My reader will laugh at me". But she said "no problem, it's funny". ha... ha....
    Dear Aldhis,
    Thank you Aldhis. I think you are more lucky than me if flood never entering your house. I feel wonder too, like you feels about.
    Dear Edi psw,
    Yes, thank you.
    Dear Mckay,
    Thank you so much, Mckay. Your love makes me strong. My wife also send greetings to you.
    Dear Jim Belshaw,
    Yes, like you see it, messy! But now already neat. I also search Samarinda through Wikipedia. Wow... my city also recorded there. Thank you for your attention.
    Dear Indah Sitepu,
    Yes, flood making a horrible days for everyone. Thank you for your comment.
    Dear Joops,
    Yeah... humor for adding the spirit.
    Dear Misty,
    We are fine. Thank you for your attention.
    Dear Chubskulit,
    Sure! baby is no.1
    Thanks for remind me.
    Dear White Shadow,
    Thanks for your prayers. We are fine now.
    Dear Grace,
    Thank you for your attention.

  14. Anonymous15/11/08

    Tikno, I am saddened to hear about the floods. I am also glad that you have had advance warning and are able to cope.

    About the photo with the boat - are you sexy? I do not swing that way. Ask the ladies!

  15. Dear Rummuser,
    Thank you for your attention. I did not dare to ask it to the ladies. If my wife read it... hmm... she will become a tiger. ha... ha....

  16. Anonymous16/11/08

    I feel sad about that. I'm so sorry to hear that. How is Samarinda now? If you need something, please tell us (blogger). We'll support as strong as we can. Regards. Seno.

  17. Dear Seno,
    I felt touched on your support and all friend from Indonesian's blogger. My family are fine now.

  18. kalo banjir kita gak usah ke kolar renang kalo mo belajar renang,he..he...

    btw, tul sekali. tahun depan saya balik ke tanah air.mudah2an gak ada halangan.

  19. waduh..yang komeng ko bule-bule gini yak?
    berarti saia termasuk bule juga dunk..

    kalo mo dalem lagi di perempatan lembus..jadi nyaman berenangnya..

  20. Anonymous16/11/08

    hope Samarinda will get well soon.

  21. welcome back tikno, glad to meet you again. i heard that the flood intered your house,i hope that is not such a big disaster.

  22. samarinda oalahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

    Palangkaraya is also flooded .......

    but never once in the knee until ....

  23. Dear Tikno,
    I really sorry to hear the experience you've get. Hopefully God always give you patience and strength.
    always pray in this terrible situation..I hope it can well soon..
    I dont know before that Samarinda has get a hard flood. and I am really sorry about the student who become a victims of it. I hope he can get a better life...

  24. Memang sekarang kebanjiran dimana mana, Pak Tikno apa ngak takut sama buaya yang lepas itu, semoga bencana itu tidak terjadi lagi pada kita semua, salam

  25. Anonymous16/11/08

    i like u'r site, it's very intersting..i hope it can be progress people in world, please visitng my blog ya.. thanks salam dari jogja

  26. Duh banjir ya... Saya blm pernah mengalaminya tp ikut merasakan ga enaknya. Semoga semuanya baik2 sj ya pak.

  27. I saw the picture of your place is flooded everywhere. Are you guys okey? I feel sorry to hear of what happen to you place.

    Check my blog on how to prepare yourself for the world disaster. That will help you to survive.

    I experience it when I was young and I really don't like it.

    My brother went to Indonesia three months ago and I called him when he got there. He told me that He likes the place. But he went back just this month. And I think the company is going to send him back next year. He said that he doesn’t know the language of Indonesian. And it’s really hard for him to communicate the people over there.

  28. Anonymous16/11/08

    Ck Ck Ck, I'm Sorry to Hear That. i once got flood on my Islamic Boarding School...

  29. Anonymous16/11/08

    Dear Tikno, I can only say ;
    may this flood immediately be finished and could come back carried out the activity..
    I really understand your feeling at the time..
    The spirit continued,friend...

  30. ya mas Tikon, kalo sudah memasuki musim hujan, banyak daerah yg kebanjiran.
    Saat kemarau, malah sampai kekeringan.
    Rumahnya juga kena ya?
    Semoga semua selamat.

  31. banjir ternyata membawa hikmah juga, orang jadi semakin sadar akan angkuhnya mereka merusak hutan, menjadikan sungai sbg tong sampah, dst. Mudah2an kita bisa berbuat sesuatu dari pelajaran alam ini.

  32. gimana mas apa masih banjir ?

  33. Anonymous16/11/08

    Kalo curah hujan gede pasti akan terjadi hujan,bagaimana keadaannya skr apa masih hujan?

  34. Anonymous16/11/08

    feel sorry for the flood. sama aja di kal sel jg sering banjir hikz...

  35. Turut prihatin.Saya juga pernah kebanjiran setahun yang lalu di Bojonegoro Jatim,rasanya...gak enak banget!Hehe

  36. Dear Kristina Dian Safitri,
    I hope you fine in Hongkong. You doing a noble-job there. Take care.
    Thank you, Aprie.
    Dear Budiernanto,
    It's OK now. Thank you.
    Dear Dede,
    Not a big disaster but enough make me difficult.
    Dear Manusia Biasa,
    If flood also exist in Palangkaraya city, I'm glad to know your story there.
    Dear Niar,
    Thank you for your attention, it's back normal now
    Dear Jenny Oetomo,
    In fact, I'm afraid too.
    Dear Ryden,
    You have a nice blog too. I already go there. All about the Terminologies of Information Technology.
    Dear Hellen,
    Thnak you for your attention.
    Dear Iron Woman,
    We are OK now. I already read and still remember your blog about how to prepare for the world disaster. Very informative. Send my greetings to your brother.
    Dear Masdan,
    Like it happens to me, that was a sad story.
    Dear Yopan Prihadi,
    With you and fellow blogger, the spirit will be continue. Thank you so much.
    Dear Erik,
    Yeah... sometimes in rainy season. Thanks for your attention.
    Dear Belly Wijaya,
    You right, the forest destroyer should be put in jail. Everyone should cares to environment.
    Dear Tony,
    It's fine now and the city become normal again.
    Dear Abahrafi,
    Sometimes the rain still happen.
    Dear Cumie,
    Oh... same with here.
    Dear Judithnatalia,
    Huh.. flood always make our life feels difficult.

  37. Anonymous17/11/08

    I'm really sorry your house has been flooded, Tikno - and that you have had to put up with all of this. All the best with the cleanup.

  38. Anonymous17/11/08

    ...I feel very sad when I read your posting, 'cause I can do nothing,...I Hope you can through with this kind of problem...

    Warm regards,

  39. Anonymous17/11/08

    wah, itu tinggi sekali banjirnya kang, hampir sedada..wihhh..

  40. Wow, what a great flood...That's wahy I love Indonesia..Don't need to go to swimming pool to practice swimming..tehehee

  41. i am back tikno, how s samarinda condition in general? i thought its used to happend in jakarta? hehee

  42. How's life? Speaking of your wife? You are funny. Well, tell your wife to try to cook again.

    I've heard that you guys have earthquake aside from typhoon. And a lot of people died. Hope and pray that everything will be alright.

    I will be posting seven things that most people don’t know about me title " I was tagged" And you are one of my tag. Just check it out.

  43. Dear Robin,
    Thank you. By the way, you and Jim Belshaw was live in the same country, Australia.
    Dear Djoko Wahjuadi,
    Your comment already make me happy.
    Dear Bloggeraddicter,
    Not so height just about 60 cm around my house. It's normal again now. Thanks for your attention.
    Hei you Septian,
    I don't know how you think to your country??
    Dear Dede,
    The city become normal again. Hope you fine in Jakarta? I also have family there.
    Dear Iron Woman,
    Okay I will try to ask her to try your recipe again. If fail again, I better ask you to send it from USA. Ha... ha.... ha....
    Thank you so much for tagging this blog. I will add its link into this post.

    You right, earthquake was happen close to Gorontalo city on Monday, November 17th (about 138 kilometre from the city).

  44. Prayers and blessings to you. Some troubles we cannot prevent from coming, only that we may come through them stronger than we were before.

  45. Btw, bukan cuman banjir air ya pak, tp banjir award dari bule juga waaahh

  46. Anonymous18/11/08's horrible! same like Samarinda, it's flooding at here too. thx God, the flood didn't overflow into my house.

  47. Hi Tikno, I hope that the flood waters have subsided and there has been no more flooding in your area! Love the picture of the boat :-)

  48. Anonymous18/11/08

    Oh my God, I'm sorry to hear that. Kirain cuman Jakarta yang bisa kena banjir besar, ternyata banjir di Samarinda lumayan parah juga ya?

  49. Anonymous18/11/08

    hI Tikno,

    So sorry to hear this story. I hope you'll surpass this kind of calamity. Thanks so much for the visit and comments.

    Keep smiling!!!!

  50. hey hey
    kok basa inggris yah ??
    semoga floodnya cepet reda yaah . .
    sering2 mampirr

  51. Tikno, I'm sorry to be so late checking in on you. I hope everything's all right. You will have a lot of work to clean up. I'm glad you're still able to be online. My thoughts are with you.

  52. Dear Revvy Rev,
    Thank you so much. You are right. Bitter experience will make us stronger. Thanks for the wise words.
    Dear Hellen,
    Thanks for your compliment.
    Dear Nie,
    Means you're more lucky than me. Congratulations on your graduation. Wow ... you have a academic title now.
    Dear Gill,
    Our city has been normal now. Yeah... I also love it ha... ha...
    Dear Orangndut,
    Not too serious but quite bothersome.
    Dear Sam,
    Thanks too for visiting me.
    Dear Astri Astronot,
    Okay... I will visit your site.
    Dear Petrea,
    Thank you for your attention.

  53. Anonymous19/11/08

    Di tempatku juga hujan mulu, untung nggak banjir.

    Semoga lekas surut banjirnya :)

  54. Anonymous19/11/08

    My friend Flood is everywhere now.

    I just hope everybody is Okay.


  55. Dear Isnuansa,
    Hmm... you are more lucky than me.
    Dear Balisugar,
    You are true. The rain also happened on many city. Hope everything is OK. Like Revvy said "Some troubles we cannot prevent from coming"

  56. we'll pray for robbie. thats a sad news. what's good is not much damage happened to your house.

  57. Hi Tikno,
    sorry to hear about the flood in your area. Hope you, your wife and your family are ok.
    I've added your blog to my blogroll hope that's fine with you.

    Regards from Angola,

  58. Tikno: What an awful thing to occur. This reminds me of what happened along the Mississippi River this past Summer in the USA. Keep you and your family safe through this time of uproar and I hope the waters recede quickly.

  59. Anonymous20/11/08

    Nature sometimes is so hard.
    I wish best days.

  60. Dear The Dong,
    How about Philippine?
    Dear Nadia Febina,
    We are OK now. Hope you fine there. Thank you so much for add my blog.
    Dear Fishing Guy,
    Thank you and welcome.
    Dear Luiz Ramos,
    You are true. I like natural picture on your blog.

  61. Howdy? your family? I never heard from lately.

    Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

  62. You're in my thoughts, Tikno. Update us when you can. I hope all is well.

  63. Dear Maria,
    We are OK. And now ... SUCCESS with "omelet" ha... ha... You may ask Fed-Ex to cancel it.
    Dear Petrea,
    Thank you so much, Petrea. All is well. A few days ago was dry. But now flood come again although not too high (about 5 cm on several place).

  64. oalaah...mudah2an musibah banjir cepat berlalu yah! kebayang betapa repotnya! belom lagi nyamuk2..nya

  65. Dear Yendoel, thank you!

  66. Thank you for visiting my blog to tell me about this interesting post. I learned much about the flood you endured, and the pictures helped me to "feel" what you experienced. I hope that Samarinda City never has another flood. I also hope that your city officials are preparing well in advance in case there is another disaster.

  67. Dear Lydia, thank you.

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. mampir nich...
    menarik sekali blog anda dan saya menyukainya..


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