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Artificial intelligence ChatBot.

The world is enthusiastic about the so-called ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) developed by an artificial intelligence research laboratory called OpenAI. Google also did not want to be left behind by developing their own version called Google Bard. Both are powered by artificial intelligence technology. There is a lot of news about this technology, which I think, at least for now, is over-reactive. Like the assumption that artificial intelligence technology will exceed human intelligence (its creator), and moreover, replace humans themselves. On the other hand, Elon Musk warned that this technology could cause a "catastrophic outcome" for humanity if not controlled. He even called a temporary halt to its further development. Considering he was one of the main donors to this project, I found it odd. I don't know if this is a marketing trick to blow up investors' interest.

After all, ChatGPT, Google Bard, or artificial intelligence is just a computer program that scavenges data from the ocean of information provided by humans themselves on the internet or interconnected big database centers. Just imagine if a super-intelligent human just saved his work on a piece of paper that was kept under his pillow. Can ChatGPT scavenge his work?

There is an idiom in the world of programming that says: "garbage in, garbage out". That means if the data entered into a program is false, then the result will also be false. Are you sure all the information available on the internet is accurate? I don't think so. There is a lot of false information, even biased. If ChatGPT scavenges this biased data, then I doubt the information provided will be accurate. Therefore, I also doubt if the development of the aircraft design is solely based on the results of artificial intelligence without further inspection by humans. I would have my doubts about the safety of that plane in the sky.

It is wise to treat ChatGPT or artificial intelligence as your assistant. It can help enrich the data or information you are looking for more quickly. It saves you time. But the final consideration remains with you.

Chatbot is powered by artificial intelligence technology.

However, I salute the achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. In the future, I hope this technology can be developed wisely to advance human civilization. One important thing is how to prevent this technology from being used by lazy students to make papers instantly in order to get good grades at school.

Image source:,_problem-solving.jpg
Image attribution: Queenfadesa, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons at


  1. Tikno, you are right at some points at least for now.
    But, technology is always evolving. Who knows one day RoboCop will actually be real in front of us.

    1. That's better than Terminator. Btw, how about if one day an AI doll is able to become a human's spouse?
      Thanks for your comment.

    2. I am more comfortable with real human than sex doll... Haa... ha... LOL

    3. Haa... ha... LOL

  2. I like the analogy with the plane. I also feel that people who take their hands off the wheet for self-driving cars are foolish. One little bug in the programming and the driver and passengers are all potentially dead.

    1. Trust me, I will not buy their passenger ticket if I know their plane controlled by AI robot.

  3. data also come from original resources such as world bank report..... now, summary of scientific reports......

    a lot of garbage information, yes, but not all

  4. As a teacher, GPT is so helpful to prepare teaching object study even we have to filtering by our self because not all data is right

  5. sy guna apps grammar checker yg guna konsep AI ni. Sgt membantu murid2 sy...

    1. Bagaimana jika murid tersebut pandai English grammar?

  6. Until now you can post article by chat gpt 🫣

    1. @Rezky,
      I will lose reader's interest if I do copy-paste from ChatGPT. That's not my style.
      It is possible that the content generated by ChatGPT is taken from copyrighted material.

  7. I always believe that humans will never be surpassed by machines. If true, then humans can also surpass their gods.

    1. Robots (machines / computer) surpass humans in terms of processing speed.
      Humans surpass robots when it come to love and wisdom.

  8. Thanks for sharing


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