At this time many Indonesian students continue to the higher education in various universities in Australia to obtain academic degrees such as Bachelor, Master or Doctorate. My three cousin and several other relatives also continue the higher education in Australia after finished Senior High School in Indonesia. But I was startled after knowing the news from Antara News entitled "Pemerintah Tidak Adil Terhadap Lulusan Australia" (English : The government is unfair to Australian graduates). The policy of Directorate General of Higher Education (Department of National Education) is to equalize Bachelor degree from several universities in Australia only equal to Diploma-3 degree (D-3) in Indonesia. This policy was determined on 01 July 2009 within the Peraturan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi (English : Regulation of Directorate General of Higher Education) Nomor:82/DIKTI/Kep/2009 concerning the assessment guideline for college certificate graduates from overseas. This regu...