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Children of War, Kurdistan, Iraq, Iran

First, I apologize to you all because no update for a long time. I'm very busy lately because I have to give time and thoughts to the company, for the life of many people involved in it, and to achieve our big goal.

In this post I want to share a video clip that I found on YouTube. This video has touched my heart even though I do not understand its language, a proof that the art (picture, song or video) is universal. Many people said that a picture can reveal a thousand words, moreover a video. And I use this video as a MISSILE to shoot into your heart. So, DO NOT close your eyes and hopefully it can reach into your HEART. What? Human rights you said? Where is it? Ohh... I call every war is the stupid war whatever its reasons.

And the most shocking video is a Palestinian father challenged Israeli soldiers to kill his young son. Proof that the war only leaves hatred.

This young man was initially laughed at by the jury, but at the end of his performance he brought a very deep message elegantly. A message for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has been going on for a century. Where is the United Nations? Where is humanity? Humans are called the most civilized creatures, but at the same time, also barbaric. From my viewpoint, it all stems from here.


  1. Anonymous25/3/09

    thank you, for posting this...

  2. Dear Suryaden, thank you for your comment.

  3. Eeeemm..
    Bingung aku mau ngomong apa?

  4. gak kelihatan videonya.ntar re-visit lagi.kali koneksi ada yg gak bener.
    akhirnya kedengaran juga kabar nya pak!

  5. Thank you Bro for the video clip..I shed some tears watching it. The war must stop!

  6. Greeting from Mexico
    how do you feel today?

  7. war is cruel
    terrifying for those
    who are close, sad
    for those who are far
    unnecessary and stupid
    behavior of some human
    being (human?)

  8. Anonymous25/3/09

    Kapaaaann peperangan gitu selesai, ck ck ck..*geleng2 kepala*

  9. Anonymous25/3/09

    Nice to have you back and blogging Tikno. And what a way to kick off the new blogging routine! It is a powerful message that you have sent and I can assure you that it has touched my heart. I am passing it on to a number of my friends. Thanks and regards

  10. I cannot understand the language at all,but the singer sounded very sad. Thanks for sharing Tikno.

  11. You're back!!! Happy that you're back on blogging again and things are fine with you and your family.

  12. hi yikno, how are u, it so long I dont meet you. anyway, I ever seen this movie, it is turtle can fly..the great movie that tells about the involvement children in the war poor....lets we appeal our voice for the justice for people

  13. Finally you're back! :) Well casualties of war are inevitable and cause turmoil to the survivors. But what can I do? In fact in Indonesia, there are lots of children living on the streets and being buskers instead of going to school.

  14. Anonymous27/3/09

    Maybe we should just kill ourselves now. Hmmm ...

  15. Anonymous27/3/09

    This one really a touching story.

  16. Anonymous27/3/09

    thanks for sharing and the awareness.

  17. Anonymous27/3/09

    wah.. ngga bisa kmplit lihat videonya, cos inetnya lelet banget.... :-)

  18. Perang tidak akan membawa apapun selain luka yang tidak berkesudahan bagi kedua belah pihak...

  19. Heart touching thank you for sharing.

  20. Anonymous27/3/09

    kinds of war always make negative effect for all (humanisme, univers, etc) special for children always make them deep traumatic & lost their kept peace for all

  21. Dear Rummuser,
    Thank you very much.

    Dear Devi,
    I ever told by a city officials that the street children and also beggar are well organized by someone (a syndicate). The city officials must arrest the brain of the syndicate.

    And thank you to all of you.

  22. wah... nice one :)

  23. So did I Bro Tikno, I didn't write any articles in 2 months later because something in the land.

    Thanks for share the video, but my bandwidth is to low so I cannot open it. Maybe sometimes.

  24. "Lakposhta parvaz mikonand" is, I think, a relevant, great, moving and subtle movie on a major problem indeed. It won one of the two major prizes at the International Filmfestival Rotterdam in 2005 for instance. Actually the director, Bahman Ghobadi, is one of those who time after time prove(d) that Iranian cinema is in the top league.

    Though it is not in the cinema theaters over here at the moment, by sheer coincidence it is shown on TV tonight.

  25. kids are the ones that suffered the most when such atrocities happen

  26. Hello how are you? Hope your doing well... Been a long time... Hope you have a great weekend.. Take Care...

  27. tikno,
    thank you for sharing this video. I a so touched.

  28. i'm touched. thanks for sharing

  29. gara-gara perang semua menjadi korban, mau menang atau kalah, malah yang untung yang jual senjata, ...
    distro linux rumahan saat ini yang sedang in ya ubuntu mas...

  30. great post my friend. Care 2 xchange link with my Online Dating
    blog? i've put ur link in my blog.Thx

  31. @Rampadan - Why you confused?

    @Yendoel - Maybe you need to install flash player (Add-on for browser).

    @HoneyBUZZ - You have a loving heart.

    @Caon Demente - I agree with you.

    @Judith - I also have the same question.

    @Rummuser - Thank you very much.

    @TT Tan - Not just the song but the message in it.

    @White Shadow - I also happy seeing your comment. Thanks for your attention.

    @Niar - I'm back now. You may forward the message inside this video to others.

    @Devi - At least, forward the message to others. Appeal to stop the war and save the children.

    @Russel - Ha... ha... maybe the God will angry to you.

    @Lunaticg - Yes, a very sad world.

    @Betchai - Thanks for your comment.

    @Sandy Carlson - Thank you.

    @Ifoel - You may try again.

    @Ajeng - Agree with you.

    @Bikran - I am glad this message has reaches your heart in Nepal.

    @Ziezie - You are right.

    @Elmo - What "nice" according to you.

    @Seno - You may come back to play it.

    @Colson - I should try to find it. Thanks for your information.

    @Johnny Ong - Very true and I could not agree anymore.

    @JK - I am fine, my friend. Greeting to your family.

    @Dr Sam - I am glad this message has reaches your heart. Wishing you to forward this message to others.

    @GregChai - Wishing you to forward this post to others.

    @Suryaden - Interesting comment. You are right, in war the winner is... who sell the weapon.

    @Traveler - Thank you very much.

  32. Thanks for the humbling video Tikno, As this video so dramatically demonstrates, war has a terrible effect on children.

  33. @Mckay K - Not only terrible to children but also to humanity.

  34. hi Tikno, i've also been off from blogging for a long time as i had oto spend my energy somewhere else.. but feel good to land here again.. :)

    I'm speechless to see the video. Keep wishing for a better world, shall we.? *fingers crossed, but let's pray for it*

  35. Yes, very sad world.


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