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HIV / AIDS and Social Contact FAQs

Illustration of social contact with people having AIDS

This post aims to help and provides some proportional information about social activity or contact with people having HIV / AIDS, because in society there is still negative social stigma. Sufferer tend to be excommunicated in their community. Have you ever imagine about handshake, kissing, sharing toilet, live together with sufferer? You may be interested in some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) below:

Is deep kissing a route of HIV transmission?
Deep or open-mouthed kissing is a very low risk activity in terms of HIV transmission. HIV is only present in saliva in very minute amounts, insufficient to cause infection with HIV. There has been only one documented case of someone becoming infected with HIV through kissing; a result of exposure to infected blood during open-mouthed kissing. If you or your partner have blood in your mouth, you should avoid kissing until the bleeding stops.

Can I become infected with HIV through normal social contact / activities such as shaking hands, toilet seats, swimming pools, sharing cutlery, kissing, sneezes and coughs?
No. HIV is not an airborne, water-borne or food-borne virus, and does not survive for very long outside the human body. Therefore ordinary social contact such as kissing, shaking hands, coughing and sharing cutlery does not result in the virus being passed from one person to another.

Can I become infected with HIV from needles on movie/cinema seats?
There have been a number of stories circulating via the Internet and e-mail, about people becoming infected from needles left on cinema seats and in coin return slots. These rumours appear to have no factual basis. For HIV infection to take place in this way the needle would need to contain infected blood with a high level of infectious virus. If a person was then pricked with an infected needle, they could become infected, but there is still only a 0.4% chance of this happening. Although discarded needles can transfer blood and blood-borne illnesses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV, the risk of infection taking place in this way is extremely low.

Is there a risk of HIV transmission when having a tattoo, body piercing or visiting the barber?
If instruments contaminated with blood are not sterilized between clients then there is a risk of HIV transmission. However, people who carry out body piercing or tattooing should follow procedures called 'universal precautions', which are designed to prevent the transmission of blood borne infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B. When visiting the barbers there is no risk of infection unless the skin is cut and infected blood gets into the wound. Traditional 'cut-throat' razors used by barbers now have disposable blades, which should only be used once, thus eliminating the risk from blood-borne infections such as Hepatitis and HIV.

Am I at risk of becoming infected with HIV when visiting the doctor or dentist?
Transmission of HIV in a healthcare setting is extremely rare. All health professionals are required to follow infection control procedures when caring for any patient. These procedures are called universal precautions for infection control. They are designed to protect both patients and healthcare professionals from the transmission of blood-borne diseases such as Hepatitis B and HIV.

Can I become infected with HIV through biting?
Infection with HIV in this way is unusual. There have only been a couple of documented cases of HIV transmission resulting from biting. In these particular cases, severe tissue tearing and damage were reported in addition to the presence of blood.

Can I be infected with HIV through contact with animals such as dogs and cats?
No. HIV is a Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It only affects humans. There are some other types of immunodeficiency viruses that specifically affect cats and other primates, namely the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV). These viruses are of no risk to humans. Some people have expressed concern that they could become infected if scratched by an animal that has previously scratched an HIV positive person. This is exceptionally unlikely, and there are no documented cases of transmission occurring in this way.

Can I get HIV from a mosquito?
No, it is not possible to get HIV from mosquitoes. When taking blood from someone, mosquitoes do not inject blood from any previous person. The only thing that a mosquito injects is saliva, which acts as a lubricant and enables it to feed more efficiently.

Can I transmit HIV to my baby during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
An HIV-infected pregnant woman can pass the virus on to her unborn baby either before or during birth. HIV can also be passed on during breastfeeding. If a woman knows that she is infected with HIV, there are drugs she can take to greatly reduce the chances of her child becoming infected. Other ways to lower the risk include choosing to have a caesarean section delivery and not breastfeeding.

Does donating blood or having a blood transfusion mean that I am putting myself at risk from HIV?
Some people have been infected through a transfusion of infected blood. In most countries, however, all the blood used for transfusions is now tested for HIV. In those countries where the blood has been tested, HIV infection through blood transfusions is now extremely rare. Blood products, such as those used by people with haemophilia, are now heat-treated to make them safe. Donating blood at an approved donation centre should carry no risk, as all equipment should be sterile and blood collection needles are not reused.

Does circumcision protect against HIV?
There is very strong evidence showing that circumcised men are about half as likely as uncircumcised men to acquire HIV through heterosexual sex. However, circumcision does not make a man immune to HIV infection, it just means that it's less likely to happen. Male circumcision probably has little or no preventive benefit for women.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) above was re-published in this blog after I got permission from "" through email sent by Matthew Leake. For more information please visit This post only a general knowledge, please contact your doctor for more detail. Stay away from the disease not from the person who got HIV / AIDS.

Related Post: HIV / AIDS - Shame Or Disease


  1. Anonymous24/1/09

    very informative, tikno. thanks for sharing. i think people should not alienate people who have hiv. it's sad enough that they have to suffer and be left out by society.

  2. go away from HIV
    don't leave person who infected HIV, keep they smile.

  3. Anonymous24/1/09

    stop aids now,
    living with aids are not the end of the world, so please help and care them...
    they are human and still have chance to live and cure from this infections

  4. Anonymous24/1/09

    Hi Tikno, thanks for the great information, although it's quite basic knowledge but I do believe we actually lack of these awareness!

  5. Anonymous24/1/09

    Excellent post, Tikno, and I do know quite a lot about this.

  6. Anonymous24/1/09

    Yups thanks for share it Mas Tikno. I hope this post may change the readers opinion in theirs relationship / sociality with someone who injected HIV.

    BTW I think steer clear of free sex and drug will reduce the opportunity of HIV transmission.

    Regards. Seno.

  7. Anonymous24/1/09

    I am very glad that you use your forum to educate your readers about HIV and AIDS. My son is closely involved with the local NGO that does yeoman service with people infected with this horrible disease and he finds it very satisfying to be of service to these much misunderstood people.

  8. Thanks for sharing..
    Nice posting... :)

    Btw, thanks for visit my blog..

  9. Anonymous25/1/09

    Very nice post with a lot of good information that many of us do not know. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous25/1/09

    here is another source of AID informations; or http//

    Happy Chinese New Year 2560

  11. Dorood(Hi in persian but its an archaic word)!
    tnx for visiting!
    yup I pass all of them.:D
    that child's pic belong to my nephew now he is 1 years old and months,his name is koorosh(cyrus) it is the name of ancient king of Hakhamaneshi dynesty.
    wish you luck and good days and also for your family!
    bedrood(bye in persian)

  12. Anonymous25/1/09

    Ampun Inggris...

  13. Anonymous25/1/09

    Nice posting!

    I hope the world is always peaceful, without war, without disease, without an earthquake, flood, etc

  14. Hi Tikno, I thought it has been a while that you don't have new post, but when I checked the date, I realize it is new. Well, it is because your post was similar to your post several days ago.
    As usual, this is something interesting, informative post that is worth reading. Thanks. :)

  15. tul bebas emang isa jadi penyebab tertularnya HIV/AIDS. selain bisa tertulir melalui yg lainya itu.

  16. tikno, thanks for sharing this. im sure many will definitely benefit from this most commonly asked questions.

  17. Anonymous25/1/09

    nice post..
    kita emang harus bener bener hati hati ma yang namanya HIV..

  18. Anonymous26/1/09

    Nice post :D I've been having problems with my skripsi-advisor with his never ending questions about how infection happens, I'll just direct him here next time he asks :P

    Salam kenal ^^

  19. Tikno...

    Interesting post and informative basic information. I would agree with others that many of us lack even a basic understanding of HIV/AIDS.

    This is not your first post on the topic. So, I am wondering why the interest, but I am not going to press you for an answer. I have not read through all your posts yet so maybe you have noted this somewhere else (I will just keep reading).

    The stigma in part arises from the manner of infection. So, not all HIV/AIDS suffers are treated poorly or badly or even stigmatized where the infection was through no fault of their own.

    It is always interesting though that many choose to characterize this as a disease that impacts only on those engaged in free sex. It is clearly a disease that impacts on a much broader scale than that.

    Perhaps attitudes will change when people start to realize that with current drug regimes HIV/AIDS has become a manageable, albeit chronic, illness.

    The knowledge that HIV/AIDS is manageable and not something that will be imminently fatal also has some negative impacts, particularly as people feel less threatened by the disease.

    Once again, informative and worthwhile post. Keep 'em coming!

  20. Be tested and be prepared!

  21. Anonymous26/1/09

    Aids people shouldnt be criticized, having it doesnt mean that you are a bad person...

  22. useful information..thanks for sharing..
    mama hilda

  23. Dear Acey, you are right, thank you.
    Dear Cengeng-ngesan, you are right, thank you.
    Dear Suryaden, I agree. They are human.
    Dear Daniel Ng,
    Hopefully, this basic information will bring the awareness.
    Dear Neil, thank you.
    Dear Seno, I hope so, thank you.

    Dear Rummuser,
    I immediately requested permission via email to when I found interesting information in their website. Hopefully this information can be useful for all people. I am salute to your son.
    Dear Cece, thank you.
    Dear Papercages, thank you. I'm just sharing.
    Dear Munawar, thank you for sharing related source. Hope my reader also visit it.
    Dear Nazanin, welcome from Iran and thank you for the reply.
    Dear Marsudiyanto, thanks for coming.
    Dear Kweklina, hopefully your hope will happen.
    Dear Grace, thank you.
    Dear Kristina Dian Safitry, you are right.
    Dear The DonG, thank you.
    Dear Rampadan manggut, thank you.
    Dear Mousharilla, hopefully this post could be a reference for you.

    Dear Rob Baiton,
    I just felt touched when reading a testimony from a HIV sufferer. He said that the great suffering in his life is NOT because of HIV but be excommunicated by the community, moreover be excommunicated by their own families.
    I agree with you that this disease impact on a much broader scale and not just from free-sex. At one hand I hope people will realize that this disease is like a cancer, therefore should be treated and don't feel shame. At the other hand, I hope people realize that they should avoid the disease, and NOT from the sufferer.
    Although still far from complete, hopefully through the two posts and all comments in it, readers will thinking more proportionally and get the awareness on both, the disease and the sufferer. That is my goal and hopefully you would like to help me spreading this awareness. Thank you very much.
    Dear Chubskulit, you are right.
    Dear Joops, you are right.
    Dear Kamilia, thank you.

  24. tikno, very good information. There is so much stigma about AIDS even in these times. I hope the word gets spread. Also everyone needs to remember to have protected sex or abstain altogether.

  25. Anonymous31/1/09

    untuk masalah deep kissing, sebenarnya resiko penularannya sih kecil, tapi resiko tertular akan jadi lebih parah jika terdapat luka di mulut. hal ini disebabkan penyebaran virus melalui luka yang berdarah.

  26. Dear Ettarose,
    Thank you, and wishes you help me to spread it.
    Dear Pakdejack,
    You are right.

  27. Anonymous5/2/09

    今日は, 救助

  28. Dear Maria Ozawa,
    Perhaps, but not too late.

  29. Anonymous7/2/09

    Stop Diskriminasi HIV/AIDS mereka hanyalah korban dari virus yang merusak kekebalan tubuh... HIV/AIDS tidak akan menular semudah dan seberbahaya penyakitnya.....

  30. Dear Dewa,
    You are right. Hopefully you can help me spread this awareness.

  31. lots of ppl are still quite blur on aids

  32. Anonymous27/3/09

    sori mas,daripada pake bahasa tarzan,pake bahasa indonesia ya..

    kalo ingin terbebas dari aids adalah iman dan takwa kepada Yang Maha Kuasa.
    itu dulu

  33. That is very good information that not a lot of people probably know about. Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Kristi

  34. @Johnny Ong - You are right, a lot of them just thinking this is a horrible thing.

    @Duadua - Faith and piety to the Almighty also play a role to reduce HIV transmission, but... I hesitate their faith is big enough.

    @Kikolani - Thank you.

  35. Patricia - My pleasure when knows that you enjoyed reading this blog.

  36. Hi,

    1 in 4 sexually active teenagers become infected with an STD every year, in the United States alone. Now, more than ever, we need to join together to fight this growing issue. As I read through your website, it is clear that you share the same passion for STD/STI awareness. We here, at, understand the importance of STD/STI prevention and treatments. If you could, please list us as a resource or host our social book mark button, it would be much appreciated. We can not reach every teenager, but together we can try.
    If you need more information please mail me with the subject line as your URL.

    Thnak You,
    Sharon Vegoe

  37. Sharon - I have visited your website and found its contents is very informative about disease. But I did not find the "social bookmark button" as you mentioned, so I decided to lists your website's link on my blog (at "My Blogroll"). Thank you for visiting my blog.

  38. always good to keep this kind of information about AIDS, because we can be a light for people who do not know, and help fight this disease by providing information

  39. Thanks for making some important connections in your post.
    It's hard to believe but so many people believe the old lies that homosexuality is spread soley by homosexuals engaging in anal intercourse. First of all I don't know of one immune disease that results from sodomy. Second of all HIV can be spread via. open wound contact.

  40. @ HIV transmission,
    Agree with you that HIV can be spread via open wound contact.
    About homosexuals and immune disease, maybe this article is worth to be read:

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Anonymous9/6/12

    Thanks admin
    you have good post and nice blog
    and i want to visit and subscribe to my blog STD Symptoms and Scabies Diagnosis
    thanks a gain admin ,,,


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